Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

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I’m speaking as someone left-leaning who lives in a pretty conservative environment, but what majority is this?

The same people who have kept the Conservatives in power for twelve years so far, the same people who voted for Brexit, the same people who voted Boris Johnson into power over “getting Brexit done,” the same people who are constantly bombarded with propaganda by right-leaning and borderline nationalist media?

I get the feeling that there are millions of people in this country who would riot if the state funeral was postponed, even though there are much worse things to protest about at the moment.


These people have names, as you’ve alluded to: Tories and the occasional social misfit (aka our very own Kaitylinn).

Squeeze the fat cats, God save the Queen (yes I can and do believe in these things simultaneously don’t @ me)

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He didn’t do a very good job on that unfortunately

I dunno.
We’re still stuck here :grimacing:

So when Charles kicks the bucket soon - as he hasn’t had as long of a backlog of children’s souls sucked for life - will the English simply throw their entire Treasury into the Thames, or what happens then?

:clap: bankrupt :clap: the :clap: economy :clap: by :clap: dying :clap:

We don’t spend our lives in palaces and castles being blindly adored by millions :pensive:

I’m still waiting for Mito News to pick up so I can become a beloved opinion piece columnist.

I don’t think it’s smart to other everyone who has voted Conservative. That’s just feeding the partisan flames.

People who we should be holding to account, in my opinion:

  • The actual Conservative Party and its membership, for making such a bloody mess of the country so far.
  • The media moguls who shovel endless right-wing propaganda down the throats of the nation.
  • The opposition parties to some extent, for failing to provide a preferable alternative to the Nasty Party for over a decade now.

Did you know that we will have to change:

  • our coins
  • our banknotes
  • our stamps
  • our passports
  • our postboxes
  • our national anthem
  • any product with a royal warrant on it
  • probably thousands of other major and minor things

to now refer to King Charles III instead of Queen Elizabeth II?

Elizabeth’s death is going to be expensive for far more reasons than just the state funeral.

Have somehow the next successor be female somehow so you can just forklift the entire Treasury building into the water!

In a way, I understand that and is also something I’d support, but more often than not it’s simply too exhausting to try each time and talk some sense into a conservative. More often than not it’ll simply be them arguing in bad faith or thinking they’re owning a SJW. Making fun of them might have a better effect sometimes anyway - if they’re thinking they’re gonna end up on the compilation of ppl owned, they’re going to rethink just maybe!

Charles had the opportunity to be King Arthur (monarchs choose which name to use for their coronation) and failed



i can excuse racism but i draw the line, etc etc


Hey that’s me!

For real though folks, take me as a warning, not a role model. Hug your kids at night once in a while you know?

But you’ve been talking to me this entire thread :flushed:

(Note: I probably disagree with 99% of the conservative party platform but I’m keenly aware that compared to some of the right honourable posters here I look like Lord Sailsbury)

I did say, more often than not!

So, not always. :flushed:


If it buys me any credit with those to the left of the house, in my opinion there are certain high ranking individuals from Royal Dutch Shell who ought to be trialed & jailed for their all too comfortable relationships with various Nigerian dictators

As I said; squeeze the fat cats, God save the Queen

As a former child I would like to note that not all children will like this.
Thank you for attending my TED talk.

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realise this is probably the complete inverse of preaching to the choir here but seeing the weekends football get cancelled because the queen kicking the bucket really peeves me

still got to crack on with work but we’re going to cancel the weekend entertainment and ensure that a great many working-class folk are out of pocket for travel/hotel ect because the customary minute’s silence just wouldn’t be dramatic enough

it’s just so stupidly performative


This is true for talking with right-leaning people on the internet.

Again, I’m just speaking from my experience, but the majority of right-leaning individuals that I have encountered and spoken with tend to be middle-aged to elderly people who put a little too much faith in the things they hear and read, who have consumed a little too much of our own cultural capital and are baffled by contemporary issues like trans right and climate change.

Sure, I also run into loud-mouthed gammons who throw a strop whenever they see a pride flag but for every one of them I meet, I meet a hundred well-meaning retirees that the modern left is simply out of touch with.

I’m sorry but your application is currently on hold. We’re currently being aggressively bought out by the Murdoch’s and they feel your views might be too left leaning for their balanced and fair policy of reporting.

We will be back in touch as soon as we see them off.

Your point was about a majority, you don’t really talk to the majority face to face. You talk to individuals, and even then it is very exhausting, as some of the

people aren’t just some meek elderly, but brainwashed to the point of arrogance that no rationale can break through. Why bother trying to talk some sense into them? Look over to the US, where the middle-aged to elderly people are the people at power. The only hope for change is for the old to die off, quite literally, as they’ve been brainwashed too much and too stubborn to change.

My music teacher used to say, that the best students are young, as the old have a really hard time unlearning because they’re stubborn.

If they didn’t hold abhorrent views I wouldn’t be as keen to partisan them. This applies to all right-wing parties across the world.

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