Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

She got over Frozen way faster than I did. And I’m not even sure I entirely got over it.

Peeve: I know you mean the original, despite the fact they are both animated.
People calling so many recent films ‘live action’ when they are STILL. ANIMATED. I hate it!
Just say ‘photo-realistic’ for goodness sake, people. It’s this same, warped mindset that 'oh, cartoons are for k-"

NO. Shut. Animation is a medium not a genre you window-licking cretins! :triumph: :angry: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


She was wearing her Anna dress out and about today so remnants still remain. But given the choice she would rather watch Lion King.

It also means that she spends her entire day pretending to be a lion and pouncing her little sister.

Sounds cute, but her little sister hates it and cries everytime.

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I feel like I’m permanently physically 25. Both in terms of energy and in terms of how people keep giving me around that age by looks.

We’ll see how long it lasts. I’m cautiously optimistic. My mom and aunt look younger than they are, I suspect I’ve got good genes from that side.

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I look like a man in his mid 40’s, despite only being in my early 30’s. I have aged horribly.


I haven’t cracked.

I still get IDed for things and I’m early 30s.

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I’m all for absurdism so I get by.

I blame it on the stresses of parenthood and working from home on my own over lockdown.

It’s not true, but it’s the excuse I use.


did you say absurdism?

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im soon turning 25 and yet i’ve managed to have several mid-and-late life crises by now

up yours boomers!

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There’s one thing I dont understand though. According to this generational chart I found, there’s apparently two kinds of Boomers, Boomer I’s and Boomer II’s?

*We occasionally break up Boomers into two different cohorts because the span is so large, and the oldest of the generation have different sensibilities than the younger. In the U.S., Boomers II are just young enough to have missed being drafted into war.

It explains it right on the page smh.

Having no idea when the middle of my life will be, I have elected to have an ongoing crisis

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Nobody actually cares about the generational charts and actual classifications of age groupings.

Boomer and Gen Z are a mindset.
Me, however? I follow the Gen Sigma grindset :triumph:


I wish to create the Z-Boomers

I apologise profoundly for not reading further than I have, my shame is great, and I am deeply dishonored. prepares Katana

Those are the (pro-)Russian boomers.

No, not like this

Um ackshually :nerd_face: the katana would not be used in this way in the act of ritual suicide as it would be too long and impractical. A short dagger called a tanto would be plunged into the abdomen instead, with a katana potentially used by second person to decapitate you once the dagger has been inserted and drawn across in a horizontol motion.

I know this because I think I read it on wikipedia 10 years ago and therefore it is 100% accurate and true and cannot be disputed.

Also I watched anime once and have my full weeb certificate.

I will next be posting the katana d&d copypasta