Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

we both lost a lot yesterday, elenthas. until the next time

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How anyone can be scared of RE8 is beyond me. Donā€™t get me wrong, RE8 is probably one of my favourite games to come out the past few years and it is triple distilled comedy, more akin to DMC than anything horror related. I had to stop playing the dollhouse segment at one point because I had trouble breathing from laughter.

I donā€™t even want to go into details because everyone should experience the insane journey of Ethan ā€œMan this place is crazyā€ Winters unspoiled. The game deserves a standing ovation.

Iā€™m scared of my own shadow to be fair, so Iā€™m sure if I played it I would get the spooks.


a girl committed suicide a few houses down last night. been asked about it at work. really hits when it happens, litterally, quite close to home.

always talk to someone if your feeling down, let someone in.


I bought some cold meds to unlock ā€œbeing able to sleepā€

Itā€™s because you make sure I get to work on time
thank you <3

Same and I like horror media
Itā€™s a bad combination

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Iā€™m having a hard time with Last of Us. Itā€™s not even that scary I guess, but good lord I hate zombies.

I solve the issue by not playing the games myself and instead watching playthroughs, so canā€™t offer much help outside of offering to hold your hand during scary sections. We can be sweaty palmed and scared by pixels togetherā€¦

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I managed to get through Last of Us I.
Last of Us II however is not letting me continue. The stalker enemies are too much for my coward brain.

How many monarchs do I have to kill before I get my dang bloodborne port

Just one more.

well this doesnā€™t sound good for meā€¦


I can breeeaaaaaathhhhee ;_;

probably runs just as well as it does on ps4

did you know you can play bloodborne on your 3ds if you hack it. its actually quite easy to do

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i canā€™t. my 3ds is lockedā€¦

todd howard youā€™ve done it again

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See that towering wolf woman? You can climb her.


it just works


:flushed: :hot_face: :pleading_face:

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vicar amelia is what f! worgen wish they were, change my mind

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