Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

I already like Sadu and her “I will step on you” energy. This would just make it better.

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i haven’t thought about being stepped on for a while. thank you vixi


I provide what the people wants.

True, but its mostlly news feeds on FB I am talking about, which is where I tend to see most of it. The news itself even is just about the fact that Ukraine took alot of territory back.

So I really wonder why all these russophiles feel the need to constantly comment on it. A friend of mine told me a good amount are probably bots, but still… hard to believe there are actually such genuine stupid people living in my country…

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just punked myself

was sure it was friday and then discovered it’s actually wednesday


This is how I’ve felt watching a certain party grow every year here.

In a un-fun sidnote, following their success at the election, their vice party leader went out earlier today and openly threatened that once their government is formed, they want to look into “re-structuring & possibly cancelling” all public service media & look into restricting freedom of press.

They also called one of our largest/integral news stations/programs(which is politically unbiased) a “Propaganda machine by far-left extremists” after they did a piece yesterday where they interviewed a spokesperson for Sweden’s committee for fighting antisemitism. The spokesperson(not the program or reporters) expressed concerns for the party’s new rise in power, especially due to many of their members being active in harassment towards people of jewish faith.

Meanwhile the guy(Björn Söder, the ww2 bad guy party vice PL) is quite happy to promote his own private “news network” which has to just bring up an example; showed & uploaded pictures of another party leader’s home adress, house, and back-garden. They also had several photos taken of her children in their pool and openly told their viewers to use this knowledge/info to “contact” her about their issues with her(Since she was anti their party).

Which resulted in numerous death threats towards her and her children. Which the party leader himself openly in the parliamentary chambers responded to with “She deserves it for spreading lies.”

I know I’ve expressed it alot in the past weeks, but I am geniuenly worried for the future now that these people are actually in charge to some extent.

inhales in karen WEF WEF WEF WEF WEF WEF

Here comes my obligatory complaint that female night elves in-game feel weirdly proportioned for their height — almost like the female human model mechanically scaled without any adjustments to the head/body ratio. It’s easy to forget that your character is supposed to be over 2 m tall when everything in town is proportionally scaled.

Female elezen are better proportioned for their height, even if they’re leaning towards the other extreme and the head is a bit smaller than it should be.


Female Elezen’s run cycle though.



That’s another thing I dislike about today’s society, doesnt matter if its extremely woke or extremely racists doing it: If you don’t agree with someone, just start threatening them. Like, dafaq, how’d you like it if people did that to you and -your- kids, huh?

And yeah I’ve seen you post about it Vixi and I feel genuinly sad that apparently there’s an actual chance you may end up with these people. How they are not in prison yet is beyond me.

I feel like this is a reference that, as a dutchman, I should be getting, but I’m not :frowning:

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Blizzard: “We noticed during development that the taller races wouldn’t fit properly through the human-sized doorways. Instead of just either leaving it be(and just let them walk through anyway), scale up the doorways, or make some small duck animation, we opted to just shrink the models without changing the proportions. It’s solved!”

Take it any day over WoW elves bounce animation or seal clap.


Basicly the same set of Facebookers inserting the World Economic Forum/Rutte bad in every new article even when the subject is stuff like geese

The Wappie Cometh

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you did the ‘what a week, huh?’ comic in real life, well played

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This. So much this.

Female elezen have so many good animations. Half the standing cposes (my favorites are the one with folded arms and the half-akimbo one) that really sell the adventurer vibe, and the confident, assertive hands-on-one-leg-on-the-other-leg sitting cpose. For this, I can forgive one subpar animation that doesn’t come up often in RP.

In contrast, in WoW RP, especially logging in after months of FFXIV RP, sometimes I feel like I’m fighting my character model, between the dreaded idle bounce and the animations that seem more fit for hyperactive teenagers than an ancient culture that values stoicism and vigilance. Especially the three animations that thou shalt not use as a female night elf: /nod, /clap, and /cheer.

As a silver lining, female night elves have the best bow shooting animation in the game. Mostly because unlike almost everyone else, they actually hold the bow upright.


I remember during the pete discussions that wappies thought he aided the anti-side secretly and the anti-side did tried to hide it but his foundation openly admitted to taking part in the social discussion.

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Wait, he did? Huh, I never knew that.

He did and look how that went, we now have massive polarisation and the extreme-right seemingly has the wind in their sails.

One of my biggest gripes with FF14 is that it’s so difficult to pick a char to play who looks a bit more fantasy and less human while also having animations I like. Especially since I don’t usually like playing the taller options.

I remember having this trouble the first time I tried FF14 - being like ‘these are all just humans with different hats on’ and struggling to get into it.

Then someone showed me that Hrothgar exist and you got a free Fantasia for Shadowbringers and my world expanded three sizes


damn I wish I looked like my miqo’te :pensive: