Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

then maybe he should have called instead of spending a week grinding max rank in CC :pensive:

Speaking of–


A similar one - I have a preference for visibly non-human species in fantasy, which is part of the reason I focus on elves so much and like my elves to look distinct from humans.

(love me some orcs)

I’m not hot on LOTR in general, though, which has a lot to do with how much fantasy has iterated on Tolkein’s work specifically that it starts to feel a little…stale? I can’t get the right word but it’s like when you watch a film that pioneered a genre after you’ve seen all of the later films that have iterated and improved on it.


the citizen kane effect

My friend had this watching The Thing recently.

Never seen it, never heard of it, but saw it and was like; “oh”

And then there was me like; “yeah, once you’ve seen both The Thing and Alien, you see where all other sci-fi/horror got their monster ideas from”

EDIT: I made him watch Alien years ago.


A related and great thing is called the Tiffany Problem, after the name which sounds way too modern to fit into a historical or fantasy setting despite the name dating back to the 12th century - it was a very popular medieval name.

(Often more maliciously seen when people complain about PoC being in period drama despite them being all over the place in reality)

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Highlanders are the only logical choice.


i couldn’t play a race that isn’t highlander

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My highlander;

Also pic above of her wearing the cat ear hood. Yep, that is her too.

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highlanders are always the correct choice, lyse should have been a highlander, bloody fite me

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My hrothgar isn’t set on the glamour yet but it was incredibly easy to read him as a big ol’ himbo

(if you get the reference his name is making, I have a cookie :cookie: )


I love that set, use it on Leo.

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There, fight me


Both Lyse and minfilia are not highlanders because they were in the OG FF14 when there wasn’t a female highlander option.

EDIT: Fordola has no excuse however.

Don’t get me wrong, great character, but why on earth does she have a midlander model when she’s ala mhigan?

reject lyse. embrace yda

I think that Merlwyb

send post

Fordola does use the highlander model though.

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On the note of fem worgen and janky run cycles in FF-

Alpha fem worgen were aestheticalky oeak and looked like they belong to the same species as the males. The uwu cutesy style sucks and ecen though the model updates fixed some issues fem wirgen are still the worst model ingame.

All FFXIV run animations are jank, wish they’d kept the mocap ones from 1.0 but alas :pensive:
At least I can laugh at manra having a worse run than my giraffe himbo


It’s by far the most offensive to me.
I thought it was a lag issue when I first saw the way they moved.

My friends pointed out it looks like crash bandicoot and I can never unsee it again