Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Speaking of 14, I love the fact that they had one which was ‘we forgot our testing team are absolute chad gamers and normal mortals can’t handle this boss, sorry about that’


they are quite honestly, built diffrent

Iirc this is also why Ninja Gaiden was so hard: the testers and devs got so good due to playing it a bunch during development that they tuned up the difficulty prior to release.


Fair enough. I myself enjoy exotic races from time to time (pandaren, for example, are one of my favorite Warcraft races), but I prefer elves specifically to be relatively vanilla and human-looking. Even Warcraft elves are kind of too much for me.


I can vibe with that - very valid for people to want to see themselves in stories - so I do also consider culture when saying non-humans should be obviously non-human. After all, if you want to make your people just like humans, you might as well just make them human!

One of the unintended but valid readings of elves, for example, as people who sometimes pass as human-ish but their incredible focus on specific things where most only have a passing interest sometimes alienates them to be similar to an experience of autism is one of my favourites (specifically because I am autistic, mind)

In my headcanon, elves function similarly unless they have those peter jackson nubby ears.

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Not to doubt you, of course, but is that an official diagnosis or a self-diagnosis?

Hey, Arwen’s ears look nice! And Legolas’s are pretty subtle. It’s the Hobbit movies that went overboard on them.

Yeah but BIG WoW-style ears twitch and perk for sure.


Both! I self-referred when I was 17-18 and learned that hoo boy there were so many signs in my childhood that were missed by my well-meaning parents

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Did you also get the whole “oh you’re just unique” treatment when it came to glaringly obvious neurodivergent behaviours too?

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It’s in fact very normal to get sent to speech therapy because you did not talk and it turns out that you are very capable of talking but just choose not to because it’s easier to get your brother to talk for you


Lmao. That’s a mood. I had the opposite problem, but on like, the super-extreme end of the spectrum.

God I resonate with this so hard. This was me with Bionicles at a point.

It’s funny, cuz ‘kot’ is a male cat in Russian.

'Oh you’re just very emotional :heart: ’ here.

Granted, it’s just a (probably lighter?) form of Aspergers, but hey. Turns out sensory issues are not actually normal!


“They’re just sensitive~”

Also oh god, sensory issues. I thought it was normal to have your tongue completely reject hundreds of types of food, even though you really wanted to taste it, lmao.

I see. If it’s a diagnosis, then sure. It just seems to me that people are overeager to apply the autistic label sometimes to anyone who’s even mildly nonconformist and/or unusually passionate about anything. Words are our tools for describing the world as it exists independently of us, and so I’m touchy when I see words eroded to the point that they lose all meaning (see also: corporate buzzwords and postmodernism).

I apologize.

That’s true.

For example, I vibe in many ways with how specifically Tolkien’s elves see the world, and it left its imprint on my own characters (even Lintian is partially Tolkienian in tone and themes). If they were less human-looking, I’d probably connect with them less, but neither would I want them to talk like modern Americans.

(Looking at you, MCU)

In my case I knew it wasn’t really normal the way I reacted (and others didn’t), but I also didn’t know why so…

yay for internet and early adulthood psychiatrist vists!

Easy, just write in a different language.

My level of Goth/edge <3 very nice

I don’t have any diagnosis because getting one is too much work, but refusing to enter the living room for two weeks because mum changed the placements for her plants sounds like perfectly normal child behaviour to me anyway.


What a massive mood.

I was overlooked in VERY OBVIOUS NEURODIVERGENT TRAITS due to bullying my whole childhood, got my dx in 2017 I believe and now I just wonder if I have ADHD (ADD, inattentive type) due to some signs but it might also just be the autism (:


I have both, so it can come in pairs.

just had it confirmed that gold dragon is getting no new content in WotR’s enhanced edition


betrayal on a planar scale

oh well, legend’s getting some new stuff so I’ll go Demon->Legend instead lol

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