Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

called up the place I ordered gunpla from to find out what’s taking so long
“it’s gonna be like 3-4 months”
wish they’d told me ahead of time but oh well, I guess I can wait, guess I’ll buy some other stuff in the meantime.


Heavy is the hand that draws the Dilbert


Scott Adams sounds like a guy who does need to go out and touch some grass.

Sounds like he’s got cabin fever.

He’s also a raging bigot, my above comments is to not absolve him of his raging bigotry.

Just the other craziness surrounding him seems to indicate that he needs to go out.


Pokémon presents soon.

speaking of.

havent been able to touch wow properly in days. the terf/phobe i mentioned befores come back to wow good and proper and even decided to bring another who shares his views to stalk me and even sent me a harrassing/guilt tripping message.

just…so worn out

I’m so sorry, that sucks.

Have you put both on ignore?

i have which cuts out the chat aspect at least

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Got my PC finally fixed just now. The power supply said :skull: one week ago mid-RP.


Must’ve been a hefty RP session…

RP so fire my PC caught on


While Aeon’s [Cease to Exist] option is objectively very cool, there’s also something to be said for a gold dragon’s power of
“hey be good”
“be good”
“be good!!!”

worked on an undead dragon, worked on mother-dearest, if they gave me a bit more time I’m sure Ember and I could dual prism power baphomet into repenting too.


The gold dragon ending of ‘okay, I’m keeping the portals open for now but you need to behave’

‘and what if I don’t behave’

‘me and my godlike dragons will tear you, flesh and soul, apart’

‘…i think i shall behave’

is pretty neat

Mimikyu sweep.

That’s all.


What a gorgeous Perfectly Ordinary Pikachu


Adam pointing at the unhook because he and Mikaela are on death hook.

No… she’s facecamping and we shouldn’t be trading hooks.

Go over there despite my best judgement and get downed and hooked and facecamped.

Give up on first hook because this game is frustrating and I don’t want to be apart of it.

One of my longest-running peeves is when undoubtedly well-meaning individuals, often with background in studying medieval warfare, try to use military formations from the real world in RP without giving much thought as to the rather acute differences between historical medieval battlefields and battlefields in Azeroth.

The archetypal example of this that I have seen crop up several times is the Shield Wall. It might have been extraordinarily effective in historical battles, but in a world like Warcraft such a formation would likely end with decimation through powerful spells as the troops are so clustered together.


Or, given the current expansion, something akin to this:

“Haha dragon go whoooosjh!”

Also, now that we are on the topic of strategy here… any strategy gamers out here, more specifically, Hearts of Iron 4? I’ve been seeing some videos on youtube and honestly the game looks interesting, despite being a bit older! Any ideas on how fun it is and how it works?

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The full context is that he’s been pretty full of himself for years, can’t fathom why black people in the US and A could possibly be indignant about their circumstances and do not all agree with a 4chan white nationalist slogan meant to provoke outrage in the first place, so he went full Gamer and advocated for segregation, urging white people to leave black people to their own misery since they won’t fix themselves.

Dude lives in a palace shaped like his cartoon character’s head and has a whole kitchen corner dedicated to popcorn machines. He’ll be alright.

He’s arguing trump is a genius master orator and hypnotist just like himself, weilding dommy daddy magic on the weak minded, asking his supporters to send him messages so he can tell them they’re a good boy/girl. I am not joking.

Oh elenthas posted it already. Thumbs up.

Not handling criticism in a big self immolating way was inevitable.