Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

In this case she’s proposing that in order to wipe out an invading Not!Japan army that they break a dam to flood a valley, washing away both friendly villages (which have not been evacuated and thus are full of civilians) and enemies both.

Basically that one episode of Avatar with Jet.

war crime schmar crime

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finally, some non-political stories


War and schmar don’t sound the same.

As a Dutchman, breaking dams and dykes to flood our opponents is a sound tactic.

They do if you accent hard enough : )

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Dat me.

EDIT: Also me–

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Too familiar not to notice in my myriad obsessions and random trivia.

okay but did the person who did that in 1938 have phoenix powers

WTB faster internet :<

Fix’d, in 10 chars

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Absolute none issue but I recently had a new back door and windows put on my house but despite my EXPLICIT REQUESTS they’re a slightly different shade of black to the front doors and windows and it’s driving me up the wall

Like I’m an unironic goth kid irl my shades of black dont match this is hell for me


I hate when that happens.
My bookshelf is a slightly different kind of black than the two shelves on the wall next to it and it drove me crazy at first.

More Triangle Strategy. I went to visit the middle eastern salt-city instead of cold northern metal city because my pink-haired wife wanted to.

Pros: Their state religion gives everyone shelter, clothing, and food/water regardless of circumstance. Their needs are all met.
Cons: They’re hella racist and preach “equality” while actively discriminating against a minority (people with pink hair).

You win some, you lose some. :pensive:

when you can tell somebody’s multiboxing because the fights are taking longer than usual and you spend all your time on half health (multibox is DPS/healer)

Me, a fool: with my tabletop RPG game being monthly rather than weekly, there’s a much higher chance of scheduling sessions with everyone!

nobody told me that my silly hobby pretending to be bandits would involve so much admin


Actual peeve: Me leaving the doctor last monday thinking “Oh, all is fine, finally im rid of constantly hurting near my collarbone.” Few days later it starts to slightly act up again, now im suddenly hurting af once more. Despite the echo-scan showing that all should be well. It feels like that particular part of skin is being pulled together constantly, so I can look forward to another doctor visit next week… yay…

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TIL I have a nintendo pro controller with LEDs in it
I’ve set it to violet… I can now find it on my desk.

I threaten your skin with a lawsuit.


Had a great week off, friend over to visit, feeling mentally and creatively reinvigorated tbqh!

Peeve; It’s Saturday evening. Monday approaches.

Between Company of Heroes 3 and Octopath 2 time is just vanishing. :face_exhaling: