Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Sera and Y’shtola.


And never may the two meet.

personally my favourite is telling Belf rpers that Lady Liadrin has been voicing a charming anthro cat orc ranger in guild wars for near a decade


I’m a big fan of how often you can encounter Ramon Tikaram’s voice in random places

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WoW included as random Kul tiran civillians. I loved his work as Dorian as well as in ER as Godrick.

Im also a big fan of Ike Amadi. Hes got some good range. Javik, Drek’thar, Spartan Locke (Good voice terrible character), Gorrik, Ryland Steelcatcher and absolute Redguard vampire daddy, Rada Al-Saran.

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They are aware, trust me :sweat_smile: the problem is what other sites either offer at least comparable connectivity (because even with Muskrat making it face-tank the floor, its still very good at that) and aren’t either blatant scams, or long running sites that have slowly turned their UI into ‘Graphic Design is My Passion’ and/or fully embraced the A.I. grift.

It’s artistic Scylla and Charibdis :<

(I only did that once, normally I dress more plainly there)


So discord announced some upcoming AI features
If anyone feels like letting them know how you feel about this please do so on twitter?


By comparison to such elfish splendour I’m but a hunched goblin. Ain’t wide enough to be a dwarf.


It has now been snowing for 3 days straight where I am. Under a foot of snow minimum. I assume my entire city has now ground to a halt because I’m pretty sure this is more snow at once than ever in my lifetime.


i have spent 3 days in world vs world, ganking and getting ganked, capping and getting capped. i no longer sleep for the thought of a bioluminsecent 7foot tall cat demon with a giant goku affro standing over me with a stick that glows rainbows about to open my head with it while shouting obscenties at me in german.

this is the most accurate description of gw2 open world pvp i can give. i hate that its a nessecary step in making legendary weapons. i say, after doing it 7 times now


the snow here is already melting : (

I wanted it to get a bit thicker so I could stomp through it and pretend to be godzilla

I feel great annoyance with it.

Alot of people find AI cool, but the whole AI generated stuff has some really big problems(including hurting artists in various ways).

It hasn’t helped that it seems the nft/crypto-bro people have decided AI generated is their next thing too.




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I love her very mischievous look as she stops to very gently touch the cup towers before full on pushing them down with pure joy.

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Out of curiosity I inquired. The first bow I used is 18 pounds. It used to tire me after an hour when I started in October, but now I draw it very easily and without tiring.

This week I tried a 32 pound bow for the first time. It strains my arms so far, and my aim with it is correspondingly worse than with lighter bows, but I like how it feels and my arms are thankful for the exercise.


A LARP bow is a maximum of 30lb, so you could Lintian with the best of them :3

though depending on the system a bow shot is either ‘ouch, a mild inconvenience’ to ‘if you aren’t wearing metal armour on the place you got shot it’s time for your character to fall over and start bleeding to death’


You know it’s weekend time when you make yourself a cappuccino while cooking, but half-way through the cup you dump it into another glass and turn it into an espresso martini. Or a cappuccino martini, as it were.

At this game they’re imposing even stricter limits. That said, it’s my first LARP game and I’m considering going as a civilian character instead, because combat sounds like a potential source of stress. Besides, I’d be more excited for an opportunity to show off my Sindarin knowledge than my (meager and unreliable) archery skill.