Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Armory updated to reflect transmog and being in the only cool hunter spec that was butchered. When will forums reflect it :hocho:

Yeah! Gimme.

So at today’s Adventurers League 5e game, there was a novice player playing a level 5 Circle of the Land druid, whose spell selection I found dubious. Her only healing spell was healing spirit (and she was the only party member capable of healing), her only damaging cantrip was frostbite (which she kept targeting at enemies with good CON saves), she didn’t take any summoning spells, and for some reason she took spider climb, which I regarded as a circumstantial spell, and tidal wave, which… why? We have a wizard with fireball!

And then we had an encouter with a bandit gang in a cave where allies and enemies were too clustered to fireball with impunity, but that tidal wave of hers knocked three enemies prone without hitting us and let the party fighter go * edited by moderation* in melee before they got up. And later in the same session, we fought a vampire who kept hit-and-running to hide from us on the walls and ceiling, and suddenly spider climb was a godsend, letting the barbarian chase the vampire and deal the massive killing blow.

All in all, she had her day in the limelight and I learned not to dismiss unconventional and seemingly circumstantial builds out of hand!


Oh, was that you? Yeah, indeed very nice but not really. Gotta wonder what the dude even wanted. Then again, apparently an ex-Horselord so not much good to be expected from that.

Speaking of cringe fer teh Nerth, apparently Arathi Honor Guard also crawled out of the grave it was resting in. I’m told they’re different this time but I’ll believe that when I see it.

I saw one of them before I spoke to you, when I was passing through the Mage District.

It’s also weird how people seem to not notice that there’s goblins in SW every year several times and a rather important one present year round.

Horselord or Honor Guard?

Not to mention, although this one is probably not common knowledge, the second-in-command of SI:7 is a goblin. Renzik the Shiv.

Thats who I meant.
He’s there all the time.
I got a whisper saying “Goblins aren’t allowed in SW” and had to point out all the holiday NPCs and our good Shiv.

AHG. Red hood and all.

I hope the one who told me they changed was right about it. I’ll be honest, I’ve always found it a shame that they, and our horse-loving friends after them, seem to think that rp’ing a human from Strom almost universally means you have to be a loudmouth brute who causes more trouble for his supposed allies than for the Horde. They were also highly allergic to consequences for their actions. It’s one of the reasons that always kept me out of the “nerth” scene despite Des being a northerner himself.


Deemed unlikely, there’s been rumours of upcoming releases floating around from reputable sources for a while, and the releases so far have matched up with what they’ve listed.
Also they used the Warhammer 40k logo, not Killteam or a specialist games one, which is usual for stand-alone releases.

What else would it be with a tyranid(?) eyeball and a terminator reflection?

Sincere question, I have no idea.

10th Edition 40k.
Rumoured new edition box set is a full Tyranid rework and new, reworked Terminators (truescale, basically)

Needs more squats.

I want to play a big budget first person sci-fi shooter that also has spaceship combat and traversal. I want to fly a colossal freighter that runs into a newly-established planetary blockade and has to fight its way out of there; no laser-based weaponry but advanced physical artilery that cracks the hull and maybe I have to divert power to different sectors, or abandon my cargo and discharge it to confuse the pursuing fighters’ aiming systems. Perhaps a few get hit and bang into a couple of the other ones. Perhaps a week later in-game time I’m on a wholly different planet, in some cyber-noir bar with holographic prostitutes, telling the tale of my escape while a news reel plays on a nearby terminal; the wreckage and debris of my battle having fallen over the planet and caused mass destruction.

I think you’ll like Star Citizen. A friend of mine showed me that and I believe its currently in beta phase. But you can do most of the things that you are talking about, I think!

It is in fact still in alpha. Has been for ten years now, not an exaggeration.

Also they sell a bunch of power for real money.

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Alpha, sorry. And yes I know they did sell quite a lot!

I’m fairly sure it’s just a money laundring operation at this point.

Genestealer waifus.


It’s only one or two levels of abstraction from Genestealer Patriarch to Daddy

What’s on that bread?