Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Also depending on what type of purist, I think another funny thing to bring up is my personal favorite.

That Sauron during his first and second age appearance is canonically sexy. Either they will have to accept it because it is infact true/so purist. Or they struggle with the notion for various reasons.


You get it a lot with older fandoms, reactionaries who claim ownership of their interpretation of the work and reflexively hostile to any suggestion of change

I have had this exact conversation with warhammer fans on multiple occasions

Fan: Yeah, you can get some goofy things happen because the lore changes a lot

Me: Like how people start frothing at the mouth if you dare suggest female space marines should be made



Warhammer is one of those franchises I’ve not dipped into too much. I play vermintide because it’s fun and also played a bit of Mechanicus.

Most of my knowledge is from memes, but the fandom itself seems to be quite volatile. And if you are unlucky, really unfriendly towards women & minority groups.

So I’ve kept the fandom mostly at a bit of a length outside of memes(usually with orks, Skaven and toaster people).

And female space marines sounds cool. I know of the sisters of battle but bulky marines would be neat.

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I got a warhammer bundle gifted to me but I don’t think I’ll ever play it.

Community seems very unwelcoming.

Did want to try Vermintide though.

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It is pretty fun to shoot things as a wise-cracking elf lady.

-Side-eyes both my two big story projects-

I feel attacked…


It’s an old, and expensive property which does leave the stink of old boy’s club on it. Both 40K and fantasy are examples of great but flawed stories, albeit in different ways.

40K has the issue of having to simultaneously be a broad satire of fascism in its various forms but also a product that it wants people to be invested in and identify with the characters. Fantasy has the issue of being a fantasy setting written by English dudes in the 1980s and is only very slowly washing the stinky stuff off

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From what Tolkien friend told me he randomly gets to be a vampire and it’s never explained?
Sauron going through different phases of his goth phase is very enjoyable to me.

Saw someone tweet about how “old Star Trek wasn’t political!!” dunno why but at a guess it was probably something to do with minorities.
Idk if that person ever actually looked at who’s on that bridge in the old episodes.

The only thing I’m really “miffed older fan” about is the current interpretation a lot of people have of Tony Stark.
But that’s a lot more specific and relies a lot on “why are you pretending to know the char when all you know is 1 appearance?”

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Yeah he is litterally just a vampire for no reason. And vampires are never explained or mentioned again outside of “Sauron is a vampire” if I recall.

Which comes with him being able to turn into a wolf and look like a sexy anime Alucard.

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Don’t feel attacked. Feel :sparkles: liberated :sparkles:
Change one more thing
For flavour :sparkling_heart:

I support him in his vampire endeavours


Not far off, sadly.
My local hobby group is chill, but then again I’m a white-guy; absolutely not going to run into issues 99% of the time :grimacing: Still, they’re a good bunch and, like, one of the guys brings his kid daughter along to get into 40k and she loves it (she also rolls an ungodly amount of 6s, as he found out a while back :rofl: )

Online, you have a very vocal group of under-rock-dwelling neckbeards who most people are trying to shoe out the door. Like crabs they keep coming back (you heard), but the best thing on is to just block them.
The other side of the online community is lovely. Like, genuinely. Creative, encouraging, helping-handed, growing to be very diverse. It’ll get there in the end :slight_smile:


How my fellow Pathfinders feel about the Last Sarkorians so far, by the way?

Literally the most generic thing in existence this entire subgenre.

Hopefully so! It is nice to see places like gaming, boardgames, tabletop rpgs and Magic the gathering getting more open to different people and the smelly ones either reform or leave.

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He also has a rap battle with Lintian’s favourite character(who is just Lintian). And she wins against him.


Yeah, I honestly prefer to just disregard LACE’s existence.

And then that is of course contradicted by Tolkien’s actual stories where elves are portrayed as lively and worldly, some of them very lively and worldly (coughLuthiencough).

LACE is tertiary canon that I think is best just ignored, especially the romance and sexuality parts. It’s just my peeve that there are hardcore and very vocal fans who swear by it.

And that’s what makes the Tolkien fandom so frustrating to me compared to, say, the Warcraft or FFXIV RP scene. You never know if you’ll run into a laid-back fan who thinks it’s okay for our perception of the setting to evolve with our own sensibilities, or a dour, stop-having-fun, “well ackshually” type.

(In my own headcanon, gay elves and divorce absolutely do exist. As for trans elves, I imagine that, given that the Valar can textually make new bodies from scratch that precisely fit the spirit, there’s basically no gender dysphoria in Valinor because it’s as simple as “hey Valar, I’m uncomfortable with these bits, can I have the other ones instead?”)


I think Warhammer could definitely do worse than having Henry Cavill championing it. Particulary if he did get that Exec Producer role on upcoming film/series stuff.

He’s the good kind of nerd who wouldn’t give any room for the usual rockdwellers idiocy.

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Sauron was a very skilled shapeshifter. Turned into a vampire sometimes. The one time he turned into a werewolf he got absolutely clapped by the goodest boy in all of Tolkien’s legendarium, Huan.

He’s also the creator of the werewolves, so that’s cool too.


Cavill is a good bean.

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The trick is to get involved in the stories and not the communities, except in narrow circumstances like ‘I want to play Warhammer, so I will engage with this community specifically about playing Warhammer unless I know they’re cool.’

Because as Distantpeak bullying me in DMs to read Gotrek and Felix will tell you, the stories are (mostly) phenomenal - and sometimes [though more rarely than I’d like] even the stuff that might be stinky in the wrong hands is cool.

Take an example, Chaos Dwarfs. Like a good like 5 other factions I can name, they have the thing of ‘women are Too Precious to risk in war, so we will have them raise the babies’ - but they actually built the faction around that conceit and made a good story out of it, like for example Chaos Dwarf women who reach menopause train to become these horrifying bodyguard/berserker warriors called Harridans who are considered the best warriors in the entire society.

Ulbrig is extremely pretty (I need to break through the early acts to find out more)

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I advise looking into his alleged behaviour on the set of the Witcher and doing so without the prestanding bias of “they’re doing the show wrong!!”

He’s not necessarily wholesome swole gamer man.

S*rkorian though.

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