You’re not wrong, and while I get they wanted variety, I feel they’d have been better served with more in-depth customisation and ‘personalising’ for the weapons of the era (i.e. people making field mods to them)
Mechanically, though, it’s a solid game. Better than BFV, too. With a few exceptions… bloody bulletproof horses…
In fact, if you smashed the bestbits of both games together, I think you’d get a perfect game, tbqh.
I think the funniest part about BF5 is how its promotional material changes artstyle over a year from “desaturated fortnite” to “average WW2 shooter” (which is probably what people wanted from the start).
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War shooters learn how to do art direction for your playerbase challenge seems to be pretty difficult.
Today I saw someone on the internet say that the name of the university you go to in Germany matters for your job opportunities. Which already is pretty funny because it’s blatantly untrue for the vast majority of fields. They were saying this in a thread talking about studying IT. Which is extra funny because half the people working in that never finished uni or finished but in a totally different field, doesn’t seem to influence the job position they got.
Daylight ‘saving’ is trash, get in the trash, you hurrrk…
- This post brought to you by Slept Terribly, Woke Up To My Alarm, Then Was Tired Enough To Fall Asleep Again And Was Late For Work gang…
Screw this day, I’m having pizza
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im in this picture occasionally and i dont like it
God, mood. I woke up at like 9am and was like ‘I can have a little nap as a treat’ then woke up again at like 3pm not knowing what year it was
I woke up at 1am, 3am, then my alarm at 6am.
I blinked… and it was somehow 7.20. I start work at 7.30
Never has a breakfast been inhaled so fast. And they wonder why people die young, it’s the STRESS, Clive, is what it fracking is!!
The alienation of the system and forcing a savannah primate into a cube for at least 8 hours every day, feeding it drugs to stay active and expecting it not to go insane.
And then acting like they are the ones in the wrong/acting stupid when they suggest maybe not having such a terrible society and ‘lifestyle’ forced upon the world.
It’s me, I am they. The Uprising cannot come soon enough, because I am Tired™…
The mangement/owner class isn’t subject to these pressures as their money makes money for them and at some point, their presence at “work” is just a formality. As though these bosses are actually useless.
Eat them/turn them into fertiliser.
This is not a request…
I slept terribly and did not have the luxury to go back to sleep.
Getting up is so hard and i am very tired.
More than the usual-- “chronic pain makes me tired” tired
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have you tried turning the pain off?
started reading fire punch - same author as Goodbye Eri and Chainsaw Man
It’s good! So far. I dunno how it ends yet.
doktor, please turn on my pain inhibitors
Yeah, I have!
takes more painkillers and alcohol
Become the Umbrella Corporation. Cause your own Doomsday because you believe a Doomsday is inevitable anyway… then re-emerge once the dust has settled and make your own glorious society. Granted, there is the small matter of a rampaging zombie-horde but… that’s a triviality.
I need to craft, lets make a camp
Arthur: This is perfect and I see no issues here.
Also Arthur: Why did I get sick? : (
Travels with a tent. Doesn’t use it half the time.
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I’m still curious why he didn’t just cough Micah in the face…
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Knowing Micah Arthur could have chased him around by coughing in his general direction once he starts calling him “black lung”. But this is where you really notice Arthur’s inner himbo.
You also notice that every time he actively tries for badass, misses by a mile and ends up all
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