Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Thanks, I hate it.

Same TBH

(except WTF have they done to her voice in the 4 remake?!)


Havenā€™t watched a playthrough yet so no idea (Pls no spoilers on changes)

Thatā€™s a chad right there.

Its not an in game spoiler, it wonā€™t ruin the game to know (if you want me to say it)

Just got plate, mail and weapon heirlooms to upgrade to 60 now.

What the hell is Israelā€™s though?!

Iā€™ve managed to get some painting done, but it feels like slow going on a single, on-foot character that Iā€™ve had to sub-assembly.

Feeling very low-energy this weekend, not tons of fun. Still waiting on two hospital referals to find stuff out, and I really wish theyā€™d hurry the heck up :<

Whichever dumbass decided that giving a few select members the option to veto anything they dont like was a good idea, should get pimpslapped. Security Councilā€™s been a joke because of it.

In other news, I began another playthrough as the Dutch in HoI4. No exploits, just been trying to make a good infantry batallion to keep Mustacheman out of my home, aswell as making landforts to help defend my border. My problem seems to be that my ā€œDutch Maginotlineā€ never seems to be completed in time and I end up getting Maginotted because one part of my country has lvl 10 fort defending it, while the other has none.

So my question is, what is an acceptable level to upgrade the landfort to before building in another place?

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Finally going to give FF14 RP a try, couldnā€™t help but fall in love with Coerthas/Ishgard

Finished the main story of Stormblood, Zenos is hotā€¦

ā€¦But also insane wtf was that trial

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Localising ā€œbakarenā€ (baka+Karen) as ā€œKarenitwitā€ is pretty creative. I feel like thereā€™s still a better way to convey it though I canā€™t come up with one myself.



If ā€œkatanaā€ (刀) is just the literal japanese word for sword then whoever named the trading post weapon is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct :nerd_face:


this is why we canā€™t have nice things

Trying to get back to ESO, still yet to recieve my access code and its been 2/3rds of a day. This PC is not authorized bs its the same PC I used to log in with last time D:<

All. The. Time. Putting Socksā€™ latest bed (which is now his favourite, a raised hanging basket) next to my PC desk was a mistake. He slumbers, belly revealed and I can never stop myself. :frowning: Usually ends up with angered nibbles.

As a pet peeve: Iā€™m so sad the ammo pouches are Hunter only! My fanny pack dreams are dead. DEAD. :sob:

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Leoā€™s new bed is by my feet (he doesnā€™t come on my desk, his fur does however)

Always got to disturb him.

Or I look down and realise to my sheer horror that I am being stared at.

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The internet is currently drawing Ada Wong x Leon art where Ada is the top and also drawing Ashley as a mouse, canon unclear

A PC mouse or an animal?

The latter - someone posted ā€˜imagine Ashley as a little mouseā€™ and it has been all over my twitter feed ever since

Which is adorable