Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Let do Mythic Antorus

Lets get the red scythe on first try.

The blue one? What do you mean you want the blue one Evvy?

plant cat rage intensifies

I am a cursed luck bringer.

Wowinterface or github (Google addon name+github)

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I remember when WoD had their blizzcon and on the art panel one of the guys was like “you should ask what we’ve got in store for the likes of librams and quivers”; no one asked the guy the question he wanted to be asked, felt bad for him. Probably got dumpstered because BlizzCon go-ers have the IQ of room temperature milk.


Well, obviously, because he’s with Leon???

at least that’s my only experience with RE franchise, did the internet lie to me?

Eurovision has some cool songs this year. Forever peeved about Poland’s totally-not-cheating song winning over the fan favourite Jann though. :triumph:

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Fire Nation get made head of Security Council.

Worst April Fools :unamused:

So getting a cosmetic quiver has reminded me that other bow transmogs besides Thas’dorah exist, and I looked at my collection.

Blizzard, this is not a compound bow.

This is a compound bow.

And bow terminology in WoW in general is bad. Shortbows called longbows, non-recurve bows called recurve… Also, most WoW bows’ over-the-top designs would make them hilariously unfit for their primary purpose.


Do not get me started on Crossbows and Rifles…
Or the ‘Katana’ that was datamined recently. Sir/Ma’am, that is CLEARLY based off Chinese swords, you fools…


You don’t do katanas wrong when dealing with gamers. Know your audience.


Peeve: the forum software doesn’t escape <angle brackets>, so the text between them gets hidden as a malformed HTML tag. I have to manually escape them as &lt; and &gt;.

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Remember that it was wowhead naming it a katana. In game it’s not called that at all.


Ah, fair.
The point still stands ‘in general’, mind :sweat_smile:

I secured tickets for the Eorzean Symphony this October…

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I’ve had tickets for a LOTR Symphony since 2020 and every year since then it’s been delayed till the next one. First it was the pandemic, then the war in Ukraine because half the orchestra were Ukrainians and couldn’t leave the country.

Putin has until November to end the war or I’m going to have to get involved :triumph:


Blizzard, please make a crossover event based on this

I was wondering. What happened to the Thalassian Conclave? I was browsing the AA, and the last one was almost two years ago.

I’ve never been part of it, but loved reading the intrigues and schemes of the blood elf community.

The intrigues and schemes boiled over OOC.


Oh, for shame. So they stopped because of drama and rivalries? It is a little bit sad.

It was cool, really felt like an open world thing.

Your post made me remember this video of a guy going to a shooting range with some monstrosity from Genshin he crafted irl. Have to say it worked surprisingly well. That it worked at all, in fact.

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That’s like 99.999% of the WoW population in general. But yeah people are not exactly smart at Q&A’s

No no, Chris wants Leon to continue the Redfield line with his sister Claire, but Leon only has the true hots for the spy Ada Wong