Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)


Virgin Aldmer vs Chad Dunmer

The only right choice is Dungeon because Black Dragons steamroll everything, followed by Necropolis for free recycling


HLJ had some delivery of Witch kits it seems. If you’re after stuff like the Aerial or Darilbalde, Demi etc check it out.

wish all weddings were this cool

that’s theatre kids for you though I guess

I’ve got an HG Aerial waiting in my warehouse, might add a demi-trainer to it, but mostly I’m just waiting for at least one other thing before it gets shipped out. It’ll probably be the Rayearth Spirit of Fire I preordered for an April release.

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Consider grabbing the Demi expansion kit! It’s really nice and in stock.

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Incredible cursed thought: If they ever remove the faction tagging for pvp stuff and npc interaction AD’s Stormwind is going to be permanently laggy. WotLK Dalaran levels of town lag.


is that teldrassil

I don’t think so, given it’s not a smoking stump

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The cool version.


Putte dun’ goofed. You don’t mess with sisu.

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it’s from 2005: simpler less charcoal-y times.

Leo got up, wandered into the living room and yelled only to stare in confusion because I wasn’t in my chair (was washing up in the kitchen)

Proceeded to stare at my chair as if he was trying to make me manifest in it and completely ignored me calling him.

Had to blow on the back of his head to get his attention.


There are many very funny Kingdom Hearts lines but this one from Sora to Joshua von The World Ends With You is an underrated one.

casual sora sass

it’s what teldrassil should’ve been

and absolutely my wish for what could’ve been in wow :pensive: :fist:

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Bosmer midgets is the way to go.

Also me sitting here making a type of sailor’s knot with string because i wanted to tie something to something else but wanted to be able to easily untie it.

Bought a box of jaffa cakes and ate the whole thing. Why are the British allowed to export crack like that?

Some people might say that “The World” of .hack surviving for years and years as a playable MMO despite putting a bunch of people into comas at one point, almost destroying the entire internet at another point, and then also later being possessed by a rogue AI that tried to “digitise humanity” is unrealistic.

After all, how could such a dangerous game not be outlawed? Wouldn’t everyone just stop playing?

I say: Gamerbrain and capitalism. Keeps the world going round.

we gotta export something these days

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The op!um wars didn’t end. They just changed the target (me, personally) and the merch.