Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Well, the Hearts of Iron peeves continue. Seems this time I’ve run into a bug regarding recruiting from puppet states. I heard that playing as Dutch, it is important to eventually switch out your Dutch East Indies-recruited regiments for native Dutch because else their autonomy gets too high… so I try that… and it just makes my units dissappear into thin air… Browsing reddit, apparently it’s a bug if you try to switch templates… which really screws me over :frowning:

If you have no particular focus going, continuously apply it to lower the autonomy gain of puppets.

Imperialism, ho!

Well, I would but I do kinda need my other foci… needed to both be ready for the German invasion -and- make sure I could go down the Wilhelmina path, as I was looking forward to eventually puppet Germany after causing a civil war. But to survive we simply -need- those DEI divisions at first since Netherlands does not have the manpower due to the Shellshocked Spectator of the Great War debuff.

So yeah, sadly I’m in a bit of a tough situation, as I kinda do need all hands on deck to even keep the Germans out :frowning:

I continue to like my Nightborne mage a lot. Help

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Marry me, the sexy Argonian.

But that’s not the sexy khajiit wives Loras asked for

Loras gets argonian wives now.
And Ember because I don’t travel without an NPC.

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Can you find the market for min height Dunmer malewives, asking for a friend (me)

I’ve asked the Nords. They’ve accepted, but your life will be terrible.

Nords?! Veloth have mercy on my poor manlet of a Dunmer

just remember to bring enough skooma
I’m sure it will help

But, but he’s not a skooma addict just a small little manlet ready to be thrown into the [REDACTED] sun or something

You get two options. Nords, or skooma and Nords.

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Oh hey look, Nightborne are fixed on the forums. At least for me.

… the level isn’t right still but we take that… better than being a red ghost.

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How about option 3, steal the skooma and run away from the nords? I am sure he can cram himself into a place the Nords can’t!

:thinking: there’s a joke here I won’t make

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Convert it to forum friendly ways

It’s 1:30am, I don’t speak forum friendly at this time of day.


I can respect and relate


This is actually Nords, skooma and a Markarth bear-dog.