Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Also too lazy to message you on discord but going ESO if you wanted to play :^)

ANd the call of the boys brign me to SCP kek

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So far in EZ-mode V Rising-- pretty good, I can take Tristan on in copper (didn’t nerf the bosses, made me more powerful by default)

Set all my modules up to 5, think if i was to do this again, I’d tone it down to about 3.

Also loving everything dropping 100 of everything. Has so far lessened the grind to so much.

I am also immune to silver and sunlight, but sunlight doesn’t matter because I set it to “Swedish Winter” which means there’s only 1 hour of sunlight a day.

Silver however, normally I’d relish the challenge, but I have a million silver coins on my OG playthrough and can’t spend them because I can’t take them to the traders without them killing me. So they sort of just sit in a box gathering dust.

But not this playthrough! i will buy vendor hats! Mark my words!


Finally went into chapter 4 (rip Sean u_u) in RDR2
Time for some swamp and big city living.


Rolling up with Cro to an outpost to sell stuff and see another ship there. They approach and a guy starts to ask me “are u a girl” and keeps asking to lay in bed with him.

So naturally we allied with them for extra gold, played some songs then set fire to their ship. (And rejected the offer).


He left me alone because I look like a plague doctor and answered “no” to the “R U a grill” question.

Maybe felt a little bit sorry for his friend but-- he chose to play with the weirdo.

They also stole loot before we allied!


When people use “People growing up/having less time” as an excuse for an MMO population declining. It’s disingenius horseexcrement of a statement.

  1. It makes the presumption that MMO picks up a million players at launch and it’s a static population that suddenly vanishes 10 years later because ageing happened. Bollocks. MMOs are a revolving door population and the moment someone leaves for whatever reason, providing the devs are doing a good job, they’ll be instantly replaced.
  2. The idea that “adults” don’t have time for games. If you squirted out 5 kids, work 20 hour shifts at Starbucks 9 days a week and don’t have a second to yourself. That’s on you, everyone else invested in basic time management skills and a box of condoms.

You know what my parents did when I was a kid, after dinner between the hours 1800 and 2200? They watched tv, VHS movies, read books, listened to music and indulged their hobbies. And if they’d been of my generation when videogaming really took off, that’d be on that list too.

It’s the statement of an immature and childish person who doesn’t comprehend what adulthood is and thinks mommy and daddy eat, sleep, work and do nothing else.

You know what I’m going to do tomorrow evening? I’m going to eat an entire tub of chocolate haagan daaz and play warframe for 3 hours straight because age, employment and responsibility does not prevent me from having free time or from having fun.

With WoW’s case, I will say that alot of us probably do have less time(Some probably more though), but it is not a key factor at all to an MMO losing a playerbase or people.

It’s alot of factors, but mainly either dissatisfaction with the game for whatever reasons, pull from competitive MMO’s or maybe a lack of engagement/stagnancy from the MMO itself.

Plague doctor outfit truly is a god tier outfit.

People grow bored of things and move on.
Apparently you lack the mental capacity to do that yourself, despite being stuck in BfA, you’re still here whinging day in, day out.
Get a new hobby.


How would one go about acquiring this in SoT, unless it was a seasonal thing :eyes:

Frankly, your entire post is :ox: :poop:
People grow and change with age, MMOs have been on the decline for a while as newer and argueably more accesible less time consuming games have since come out.

MMOs don’t capture young folks like they used to, it’s just how it is when it comes to gaming, games and how culture changes. Lot of older folks either slowly ween out or find other hobbies to do if they so desire for whatever reason, be it kids, marriage, a new hobby or other.

Adults can have fun hobbies, I don’t see anyone saying otherwise, but I sure as hell know many older than me folks who have changed hobbies due to other obligations.


Oh no I’m being personally insulted. How dare I have an opinion on a subject I’ve been involved in for 30+ years. Truly I am devasated beyond words.

Revolving door should be replacing those people with those that do have time. Developer problem and I resent age being used as a scapegoat. It annoys me to no end when people trot out this idea that reaching middle age or having kids is a barrier to videogaming. Reminds me of what C.S. Lewis said on the subject of growing up

ugh there are people using AI to spam ao3 now

can’t believe this is the closest i’ve been to making an account just to block the writers

at least tag your not-work properly so i can exclude those AAAAAAAAAAAA


It is though, kind of. Not completely. It depends on the person & it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy video games because you get older.

But obligations to life & family does play a massive role. As does things like full time jobs. It’s alot more difficult to pull an all-nighter playing WoW as an adult compared to a teenager. Not only for the health, but time aswell. Alot of people who in their teens probably could sit and play for 8+ hours straight might only have 2 hours in the evening nowdays when they are in their 30’s or similiar.

Hello system please tell me what post got flagged for “Trolling” kthx, afaik I haven’t done any of that in hmmm, at least half a year

An ancient post, hidden in the depths has come back to haunt you.

Wow thanks Blizzard, I hope to continue being a positive influence on the forums for years to come! :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t be surprised, infact I would be highly amused but also wish they’d tell me what post. I scarcely post outside this thread these days smh

Oh nevermind, someone didn’t like me wishing Happy zombie Jesus day, which is what people in my circle that aren’t christian refer to Easter as. No humor smh

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