Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I will forever do it wrong just to spite the English only speakers out there :smirk:

I now know what to call an estonian I play SCP with :sunglasses: :smirk:


It’s not my fault learning Maori is so bloody hard.

The bum is nature’s purse spelled incorrectly.

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So do I! Vixi carries me, its all good fun though.

Somebody needs to save up for a Brig if we’re 3 manning! (I want one anyway)

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Excuse me?

Do you play; Dead by Daylight and/or Sea of Thieves?

I’ve tried Sea of Thieves several times but I think I suffered from playing aloneitis.

you are welcome to come play with us.

Dwarves still have an irrelevant trait unusable in current content for two expansions straight.

I got all of them!

Going into a thread regarding Easter, one of the most important yearly festivals/holidays to post the happy -insert- thing, even as a joke, is extremely offensive to most of Christendom and most practicing Christians. Not here to argue, it was flagged and that’s that. Just putting forth my two cents on the topic.

Just as entering a thread regarding any religion (or LGBT for example) and throwing crass jokes or remarks their way.

I don’t see any racist implications there.

Frankly, they’ve already done much by splitting inborn and cultural traits and moving the latter into backgrounds, and if you’re going to remove the inborn traits too, it means everyone is playing cosmetically different humans.

Now if only we had a less loaded term than “race” to use in fantasy contexts. If only some other company, maybe even WotC’s main competitor, had already invented one. If only.

Pearl clutching over something as innocuous as a “zombie Jesus” joke is a bit melodramatic. It’s more unfunny than it is remotely offensive…

Hope you’re all marking Easter with some nice choccy eggs, gang.


Taking offense to outright mockery of your religion, in a thread dedicated to one of the most vital events in said religion and way of life is far from pear-clutching. No matter how “unfunny” or petty the mockery may be.

Mockery is mockery, but the dismissal is duly noted nonetheless, Loras. God bless.

Kinda true.

It’s way weirder that people randomly bumble into the thread to celebrate some old lady’s death a decade ago

Not many eggs, but alot of chocolate bunnies!

Not that weird to celebrate a good thing happening is it


yeah and the fuss over easter is just some dude rising up too right

just some people, you know, totally not notable enough for why there’s a reason it’s celebrated



It counts. I don’t know if I’ll be scoffing much chocolate. I try to be careful about my diet, now that I’m old enough that my metabolism has probably worn off and I could put on weight if I don’t keep an eye on it.


Truly bizarre that you’re incapable of seeing how weird it is to randomly celebrate someone’s death in an easter thread. I don’t know what else to tell you, it’s weird behaviour.

If you ask me? Yes, but I’m not religious. Nonetheless I try to have the bare minimum of respect for people that are.

While I’m obviously not now, I was raised in a Catholic environment and attended Catholic school until I was 18, so I can honestly say that a zombie Jesus joke would be met with exasperation at the very worst.

It’s not like Aldru turned up to Easter Mass and took a poo in the tabernacle. It was a totally harmless remark on a thread on a video game forum.