Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

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so how about them mets

love the mets baby


Yes yes, we already know you’re a big fan of the metropolitan police

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stop it stop it stop it i mean the new york mets the baseball team!!! this is libel!!!

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I bet your bedroom is covered in The Bill posters

I watched it for the plot :angry: :angry: :rage:

Fight! Fight! Fight!


Missed the zombie debate
First time I heard that joke was from a local pastor
Makes the entire thing funnier


I was out doing gardening and shopping, what did I miss apart from being lied about regarding what post was flagged, idgaf about the flag but knowing what post was flagged is the point smh

WoW Alchemy: heres a bunch of filler potions to craft til you can make heroism in a jar
ESO alchemy: you could make health potions or you could make a potion that poisons you, cripples you and also drains your every resource in 3 seconds flat. It serves no purpose. It will kill you NOW.

It serves to teach a lesson:

Always stop,
Always think,
Always look before you drink.

And also don’t sip any random vials, phials, and bottles you come across.

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I want all of them anyway, Galleon with the vampire shipset sounds neat (and I’m getting that anyway)

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Reminded when I accidentally drank the poison one in Oblivion, that was an embarassing return to last save.

What lesson does Oblivion’s Schw. Tr. d. Le.en.-W. teach me?

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sometimes all you learn in defeat is that you have been defeated

But it’s a healing potion ;_;

My cotton farm needs to grow faster (no I know I only planted 1 in game day ago, shut up)

Zombie Jesus jokes are fine, they’re making me pay church tax here in Germany so this is the least people can do to get back at 'em.

its a kind of health potion

did they have to use the word ravage

did they have to use that word specifically