In my case, I enjoy the show as something to listen to in the background while drawing, leveling, doing household work etc. After the voice actors grew on me, which took a while, it’s pleasant entertainment much like audiobooks. I don’t play D&D myself, but I’ve got people close to me who do and know it’s not like Critical Role.
Like with any popular fandom, you’ve got some over-excited fans that can’t stop talking about it, and those who can’t stop themselves from expressing their peeves about it whenever someone happens to mention it even if it’s not aimed at the person in particular. I think the majority of people fall somewhere in-between though when it comes to hyping, just like with WoW.
I like to think that CR has probably inspired new people to try out roleplaying in general, not just in DnD format. And helping bring on the idea that it’s it’s not just kids and creeps playing out their fantasies, that it’s perfectly fine for people over 30-40 years to continue enjoying these hobbies with pride!
I enjoy watching CR from time to time as background noise. Often enough feels like sitting next to friends while you draw. Good atmosphere and all.
Don’t really have interest in playing DnD myself but I got one of my cousins into it by telling her about CR.
Lurking social media has taught me that we desperately need to promote the whole “adults have hobbies” thing more to teens…
I remember when, about 5 years ago, a much younger player asked me during a voice call when I’d consider stop playing WoW because, though they didn’t outright say it, from their POV I was seemingly getting too old for such a hobby
I think part of the reason why I like CR is that most of the cast members are in their forties, and they still express that child-like joy when it comes to roleplaying (even if it’s entertainment, it gives off that impression to the public). We’ve already got that happening with gaming in general, so it’s nice to see it applying also for roleplaying.
It’s interesting to hear people talk about how they listen to things while doing something else, because I can’t do that. I can’t concentrate on a mentally engaging visual activity while listening to something completely unrelated, my brain just isn’t used to that.
This is related to a lot of other things that I have trouble relating to. Listening to audiobooks, podcasts or streamers, for instance. I grew up reading lots of books and still am used to receiving information in the form of text first and foremost. And since I can’t listen to an audiobook in background while doing something else, I need to be completely relaxed and focused on the listening — at which point I might as well just read the book in text form instead, which is both more efficient and allows me to do it at my own pace. The only times in my life when I’ve listened to audiobooks were when I physically couldn’t read (like the first few days after eye surgery).
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern is fast asleep.
Yeah, that makes sense. I can’t do it when doing tasks that require a lot of concentration, with drawing it’s usually when I don’t have to do a lot of problem solving. Even so I occasionally blank out once in a while and have to scroll back.
Since I live alone for the moment, it’s nice background noise like Blythan commented:
And as opposed to audiobooks, the fact CR is released in episodes that one can listen to for free on YouTube is a plus, and makes the story easier to digest in chunks.
A symphonic concert for music from Heroes of Might and Magic overlaps with a horseback Beren and Luthien musical. I can attend one but not both. Dang, this is hard.
I propose that you bill your cousin as a contractor for your work under duress. However, don’t charge in monies; I suggest you charge in the following:
All the coffee you can drink before and during the moving
A coupon for them leaving their apartment for 8 hours while you sleep on their couch undisturbed