Brain, let me do something with my time before work, I beg. Drawing, warhammer painting, anything!.
I have the ideas, and I have the thoughts going “I want to do x”, but… it’s like there’s a wire disconnected somewhere on the way, and I just can’t make myself do aught? How, why?!
For those Brits among us (everyone, per Loras) the government’s doing a mobile phone alert test thing at 3pm on Sunday. You can turn it off if you don’t wanna get blared at. Google it for advice on how to do that.
…Unless you have an older phone, like me. My android 8.0 device doesn’t have the option to turn it off, apparently. Am I going to be incompatible with the emergency alerts? Or will they force it on me? Who knows.
Ah yes, a system that no one asked for and I have no idea of the genuine uses for it?
Meanwhile, the medical staff are still striking, because being clapped for and called ‘heroes’ doesn’t pay the 200% rent increases does it, Rishi, you absolute corrupt little melt of a man.
Y’know, Perfectly Normal Britain, that simultaneously has no money, but also Has money for all the stupid stuff
Ah yes, the increased hostile weather stuff. Which is very real, but will the Gov do anything like cutting back on emmissions, pressuring industry to be less polluting, and not backtrack on stuff like fracking and even coal mining?
If everyone shat out a house’s worth of bricks, they could distribute then however they see fit ez pz.
(I know what the actual problem is, just goofing about)