Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Day 3 while on vacation on the Swedish west coast last summer, away from pretty much anyone, my NHS app buzzed and said “you have been in close proximity to someone with covid in the last 24 hours”.

Which means some mad lad from Britain snorkeled over to the stretch of rock we were visiting, while infected, and reported it via their app. Or it’s just incredibly unreliable.

The french are very good at rioting;

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Oooh, new Contrapoints video! @croecell!!

i do love me some video essay posting

That is because people who work and have money invest in houses. It’s not like they came up from nowhere.

I have now died the most to the most unyielding enemy in Elden Ring, this playthrough.


Finally got the Tidesage transmog. One less dungeon to farm ;_;

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The mythic one from the dungeon?

Just getting to the end of it myself.

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Yes, the transmog thingy from BfA
Been farming that and the three dungeon mounts


[Zaphius trembles as the first of my unsullied (Distantpeak) arrives at his door]


Speaking of LARP.

With three weeks left before the game, I learned that all elves are supposed to display their personal heraldry in plain view. Turned out it has the practical purpose of identifying character gender (women have round heraldric devices and men diamond-shaped ones), since cross-gender roles are allowed (Finrod and Daeron will be played by women, for example).

So I made a heraldric device for my pretend-elf, with help from my wife drawing the spirals:

Got a seal custom-made based on this design:

And tested it — on an IC letter in Sindarin, no less.

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On that subject, I recently found out about the Plaguefall mount, the Slime Serpent

(solo the dungeon on heroic/mythic difficulty - this bit’s important, you have to be the only person in the instance - kill the last boss, teleport back up, he’s sitting in a slime pool in the spider boss’s arena, interact to get it)

Pretty! Big fan of swirls


Thanks for reminding me to do that. Totally forgot because this is SL content and I don’t remember anything from SL out of self-preservation

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Good grief I hope they don’t bring Yuris with them, or soon enough we’ll have shenanigans on our hands. Carville’s death scene was funny though.

I mean, depends… first they got a dude who kept beheading people so often that people got sick of it and beheaded -him-. Then followed by a weak government only to be like “Nyeah… maybe an Emperor wasn’t so bad after all”.


Ah yes I am sure the people who bought houses for practically pennies DECADES ago truly worked oh so hard for them /s

Don’t forget people who inherited a lot of money or large houses/a lot of property.

The new class on ESO is using it’s powers of intrigue on me. I wish to know more of it.

Wait, that means Distantpeak has no pp.

We all make sacrifices in the pursuit of a better world, Jimbo.

Mum recently let me know how much my house would cost to rent (I own the house thanks to my parents and brother each owning a share) and holy god damn Jesus Christ

Rent alone would be 3 times the amount I get from benefits x_x


My family basically lives mostly on property bought by my great great grandparents and great grandparents. Back then this was the boonies and no one wanted to be here but looking at the property tax and at the prices the neighbours sold their house for… wtf happened in the last 30 years? Did they find gold in the ground?? (Quiet-ish town with good connection to the next bigger city is what happened)