Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Sometimes you have to accept the world as it is. Blood elf male paladins all look the same. And you and Loras have the same avatar.

Besides Loras is using the same robe you used for a decade on the forums. The robe of the lich is Levey’s robe by association.

Falsehood and slander. I never used that robe. My character’s wardrobe consist of three items, none of which is purple.

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Wait, you never have?
Now I begin to question all of my life.

Don’t let them gaslight you, Zaphius. Levey was always wearing that robe.

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I knew it!

For a second I thought I was talking to Loras instead, I just didn’t distinguish them… :thinking:

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss

Where is this meme from by the way?

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Mum (hopefully jokingly) suggested it and I flatly said I’d rather be homeless


draka and vashj kissed the end


It’s this cata outfit, the low cut pandaria dress and the deep red vanilla robe. Never purple.

I need to get used to this ignore function

I kept thinking ‘why are we talking about Zaphius here??? he’s not posting!’

he was, in fact, posting.

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an evergreen tale

The Warcraft LARP in my city this July got canceled. I likely wouldn’t have been able to attend anyway, but it’s sad nonetheless.

I’m sorry to hear that. What were the reasons given?

Too few players. Only about 45 people expressed interest, while the game needed a minimum of 80 to commence.

I still have the Middle-earth LARP, which I’m still planning to attend, but it’s not the same. Fantasy settings are not interchangeable. Middle-earth and Azeroth have very different tones and themes.


People be writing the most unhinged :poop:posts and casually drop the hardest quotes like that “You cannot kill me in anyway that matters” about mushrooms on Tumblr and Brennan’s “Are you trying to achieve greatness or avoid disappointment?” and the man’s talking about cake vs pie, or “You are a coward wearing the facade of a revolutionary” in a rant about people going “Yo hear me out :smirk:” and it’s the most vanilla pretty woman instead of something truly outrageous

The only person to have ever been born in the wrong generation was Shakespeare. He would have been THRIVING writing the most unhinged :poop:posts on Tumblr and drop the hardest quotes known to mankind.

“Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.” and he’d be posting about having difficulty to finish his latest fic because he’s dealing with burnout and hyperfixating on a new incredibly niche fandom


Rewatched G-Witch 14.

I could gush about every scene. Why must the next episode be so far away…

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villain, i have done thy mother

Tel wth are you talking about?

I’m all but certain Lovecraft would’ve been an outrageous 4channer with a very regrettable post history.