Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

choose your words carefully stonetower, lest you become a l*ndl*rd


Also, housing being commodified to the point where homes are built soley for speculation and investment, standing empty rather than ever intended to be lived in.

Tax this sick filth.






Herma Mora class, he already got you hooked, all according to keikaiku.

Yup, those clearly worked super hard too DP!!!

My dads house, which is in quite poor shape is easily 2-3mill DKK soo, yeah. And that cost him pennies to build and land to own when he got it.

Tax them, tax them hard.
Also F landlords, aka leeches

Ramming stations… ramming stations…

If they need a speculative market to live, they actually don’t.

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Yeah, such it’s life? The value of things changes over time.

I’m sure they also could have afforded the wonderful education and other benefits (improved healthcare, greater connections, traveling) you likely received due to our society’s development, a benefit you got from these people’s work without doing much yourself.

We could discuss how fair all these things are in general, but it’s a constant of reality: contingency changes the value of stuff.

It’s not like housing isn’t a major challange today, but it’s a nuanced situation and trying to push it into one easy “uuuh the injustice!” is a bit of a cheap interpretation.

And watch your rent skyrocket.

No, don’t tax them, regulate that stuff out of orbit instead


That’s pretty damn easy to do now in Dflight
Soloed it on Mythic with my Evoker and got that woerm

New ones can be made.

Abolish rent.

If you’re just going to throw out things like that, I’m going to counter with equally simplistic solutions.

Found a fiver on my walk home from work - no one around - but I can’t tell if it’s fake or not since it’s been years since I’ve had to carry cash.

Not much of a Peak until then. Just Distant.

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[Zaphius’ doorbell continues to ring as a second unsullied (Elenthas) arrives. He wishes his landlord had installed a panic room but that wouldn’t have been viable in today’s economic and housing climate]


I was just jesting there, wanted to see the reaction. I have no idea how many taxes a landowner pays in your country. Maybe they should get raised maybe not, I don’t know.

But yeah, I’m of the idea rents are a legit way of making money - offer a service, get paid in return.

Okay I get it. I shut up.

How does Fujimoto continue to cook so hard with every new chapter of chainsawman?

P much yeah, I agree ,if you need speculate a market do it in a sim not in real life thanks!

Housing value and costs have risen so drastically that the vast majority of current and future gens will never own their own home. That’s not jsut “Value changes over time” that’s outright greed and the only answer is the guillotine.

You mean the things they keep trying to remove in most countries? And in some have even suceeded in?
I didn’t know it wasn’t a human right to idk be able to contribute to society, for which I already get shunned for “not doing enough” because im not working myself to an early grave like the older generations.

In my case the tax I pay go back to the system so future gens can get education, as it was with my mum and dad, but clearly I don’t do anything to contribute to keep that going /s

We can discuss, but I don’t have much to say to someone who brown noses rampant greed in the capitalistic hellscape we live in currently.

Like Stonetower said, there’s more empty homes than homeless people. Problem is most can’t afford the mortgage or in some cases rent. This isn’t just a capitol/big city problem either ftr.

Why not both, tax it and regulate it enough people can’t live off of it only.

I can’t reply, I’ve been kidnapped by Levey’s unsullied army.

Oh, wait, it was Loras’ army all along.

We look nothing alike! Aaaahhh!!!

[after my unsullied broke down the door and knocked him out, zaphius eventually comes to on a wagon. “hey you, you’re finally awake” says a fellow prisoner. it’s a known centrist, thatcher apologist, and traitor to northern integrity (aerilen)]