Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

After completing Fallout NV and all its DLCs
I can recommend getting it
You better get it

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how did you know I have-

I am LARPing this weekend but it is now on my list

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In no particular order:

Old World Blues- Best DLC. 10/10. Incredibly fun and I love the theme of it. Surprisingly horrifying too past all the zany stuff.

Dead Money-8/10. Good story, creepy setting. Gameplay is a bit boring however in the long run.

Honest Hearts-7/10. Probably the weakest but still solid. Good character writing, decent story. Gorgeous new zone. Feels really short and rushed at times though.

Lonesome Road-8/10. Short and concise. Some annoying fights but good story and perfect conclusion to the DLC stories.

I am all knowing and all-seeing!

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get to it buckaroo, yee-haw.

[sits for 600 hours agonising over the faction choice]

NCR or Mr.House! (Both have problems though)

Legion is stinky.

For the smaller factions, Followers of the Apocalypse is probably the better one. Or the Kings because the Kings are funny.

shoot them all

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Chaotic yes man ending. Kill everyone except the one npc that cant die(yes man).

the choice is between NCR and Yes Man for me, and it is a rough choice

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It truly is, as the 400 year old map clearly shows the water nation existing as well.
But Ozai is also very upset that us here in the northern water tribes have outed his spy ships in our territories.

We can only hope he manages to get lost on a walk someday

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For that, I would personally probably go NCR.

NCR is ultimatly good guys and democratic. But they got severe problem with overextension, lacking proper means of actually helping everyone within the NCR which leads to alot of unrest, bandits and other problems like supply shortages. If you live in an area deemed not important, you are on your own basically indefinitely. They also forcibly annex territory if they want/need to.

They do also got issues with corruption and entirely on who is the president(Kimball is essentially Republican). But they are still generally good.

Yes man would work well for a while, but I don’t think the courier is a leader type, and when they pass it can quickly fall part. Plus Yes Man programs himself to only take orders from the courier alone(which I think is also specified to be irreversible but I could be wrong). But it’s at least better than when he just says yes to everyone.

The reason I personally include Mr.House is while he is a dictator and scummy rich guy, he does also still mostly let people live as they want as long as they obey his rules directly within New Vegas and don’t cause trouble. He is very hands-off as he is honestly looking for the advancement and survival of humanity as a whole. (But he is also profiteering of poverty and a 1% dictator and cares very little for people’s actual well-being on an individual level).

I look at Bitter Springs…

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Little rats have bigger rats, amongst their ranks to guide 'em. And bigger rats have giant rats, and so on, ad infinitum.

  • Warhammer, apparent poem.

Forgot the actual ones.


Bitter Springs shows their bad side very much yeah.

Followers of the Apocalypse would be good for New Vegas, but they are again not politically inclined and more like red cross/doctors without borders.

BoS would be awful.


So the event broke.


I want to give them kisses.

Always were, always will be.

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It’s a little weird in hindsight how hard Fallout 3 tried to push them as completely perfectly good(don’t question it) and saviours of the world.

But Fallout 3 also goes out of it’s way to call you names and insult you directly if you choose not to die in the end and instead let your companion that can fix the problem with zero negative consequences for anyone.

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FO3 was written very poorly in a lot of ways.

FO4 was too, but the BoS was at least better that go around.

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Flying overhead in a gigantic heavily armed airship blasting out OUR INTENTIONS ARE PEACEFUL was some excellent characterisation and sadly probably not obvious enough for ‘liberty prime is poggers’ types