Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Having both a DRAGON and a Dawnguard patrol spawn in Dawnstar was not cool Skyrim, not cool.

Thankfully the Dragon was a frost breathing one which was focused on the guards, allowing me to focus down the Dawnguard folk then finish it off.

Patch 6.4 spoilers

Only played as far as unlocking the dungeon so far, but it’s nice to see the Forum not being obstructive dickwads for a change.

Sweden called russophobic by the usual suspects.


Dragonflight’s latest patch story wrapping up some dragon plot that’s been hanging for a long time has been nice, and the new stuff is also great.

I don’t think anyone’s surprised by the choice of Earth-Warder but it’s important to note that something that is expected but satisfying is leagues better than the ‘oh, a twist!! i wonder what convoluted story will explain this sudden turn keep playing to find out!!!’ storytelling that was somewhat common, especially in the BFA/SL era

Bonus points for the extra dracthyr lore for evokers, love to see it

I mean, if you played 10.0 only you would be.

dude didn’t even show up

He has a child to look after!!

now he’s got an entire dragonflight
someone’s growing up neglected

“an entire dragonflight” there are like 7 of them they’ll be fine

one will be fine
six will be neglected

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There’s about twelve adults and a large collection of children. But dragons all seem to send the little ones to dragon nursery.
He’ll be fine for about two years, then they’ll grow up.

Plus all the twilight dragons that Wrathion cured of madness.
And any Netherwings, since they’re black dragons too, kinda. If they want to be.

It seems fitting to their lore that the nether dragons are simultaneously black dragons and not black dragons

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Which also just were really obvious to the point of not even being twists at all, like:
‘oh it’s not sylvanas who burns teldrassil, play to find out who it was hehe!!’
(Is that twistbaiting, or storybaiting?)

doomstares into camera

Being someone not playing I still found the new Earth Warder so so predictable.
Can’t say I am a full fan of it, but it’s not a bad choice either considering they have like a handful of legible choices

Meanwhile I read in the newspaper apparently the Pope is sending someone to try and negotiate peace over in Water Tribe land ( did I get the good analogy? My Avatar lore is bad).

I understand wanting an end to the bloodshed but I am getting real tired of these “peace at any cost, Water Tribe is just as bad as Fire Nation” bad faith actors. They are either incredibly naïve, the usual dumdums who think they’d be top of the food chain in an autocratic regime, or state sponsored trolls from Firelord Ozai’s trollingfactories.

There’s only one acceptable outcome: Fire Nation pulls it’s :peach: out of the Water Tribe home, -every- territory, and pays war reparations for the damage it’s caused. It’s not going to happen without more pain and bloodshed though sadly, but everyone who at this points suggests any other outcome is, as said before, either hopelessly naïve or a liar/Firelord sympathizer.


Unfortunately Ozai will not leave as he has pulled out a 400 year old map to justify his fire nation invading the neighboring water tribe lands.
But he also called the wind and earth nation lands for illegal and not real countries as they should belong to the fire nation.

It’s all very tiresome.


It really is, and it’s only a darn shame that a ton of people had to die for the idea of a 400 year old map. I just wonder how things would proceed after a Fire Nation loss. Because it isn’t likely that things would improve even if Ozai himself would fall out of a window or get lost on a walk through Siberia…

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Epic’s free game this week is Fallout New Vegas’s Ultimate Edition - another ‘worth buying at full price, definitely worth playing for free’.

they say, like a hypocrite, having never actually gotten to New Vegas before


It’s a myth.

Grab your cat ear headphones and get to work.

Be the mailman you always wanted to be and dismantle the Legion.