Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Okay, uhh… I assume there’s something still coming up, since he had a very brief moment? And was very generic. (I’m post Minagho, haven’t continued yet to write a peeve) The female demons have been dabbing on the male hard thus far, only demonic Cheddar Gorgeous has come close.

Anyway, I just learnt that changing the Mythic path auto-leveling will disable only the auto-leveling for Mythic paths… I could’ve saved my companions from getting crappy Mythic talents all this time :sob:

How did you not fall in love with the delivery of “STOP TALKING. FIGHT.” is your heart made of stone

Because hello generic demon commander line?? I’ve heard better voice acting from random demon commanders in WoW??? Or worse, better line writing… :sob::sob::sob:

also he wasn’t really that red

It’s all in the delivery baybee, that’s what makes those lines good even though they’re nothing special in the writing

You can respec you and your companions by talking to the Pathfinder Society guy (I forget his name, once you’ve finished taking the city he’ll be in one of the inns on the top floor) so you can switch over mythic talents. I can give some basic recommendations if you’re not sure

Yeah for a price (first few uses are free I guess? will reserve that for myself first since I’m not 100% sure if I’m liking the way my Seeker Oracle is building), aren’t the respecs afterwards really expensive? :sob:

Yeah and the delivery was basic.

I was going to tell you that you’ll be swimming in gold pretty quickly so the cost won’t affect you but now I won’t bother ):<

Basic, you’re a basic

Aight, I’m in for this TRIGGER and a wacky concept like Dungeon Meshi is bound to be good

Spoilers for FF14 6.4 raid quests.

Stop doing time travel, please for the love of god, Pandemonium has been worse than Shadowlands writing, let it end. The more the writers poke around the less sense it makes. Let me be free from the waking nightmare that is Elpis. Let the narrative have its conclusion. The ascians are dead, why are we saying goodbye to Elidibus for the third god damned time?

Just discovered there’s a spiritual successor to Supreme Commander called Beyond All Reason… there goes my evenings.

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Bit late to the FNV convo but Mr. House is like if Elon Musk didn’t have access to Twitter and was several (dozen) degrees more competent. Man’s gonna take us to Mars but for real.


Honestly, I think this is one of the few cases where I’d prefer Warcraft’s usual solution and make a council/triumvirate.
If only so we could keep Wrathion and Sabellian’s antagonism and bickering intact, with Ebonhorn needing to wrangle them into agreement.
Though I haven’t played the full story yet, so maybe I’ll find the current storyline satisfying.

While this is true, unfortunately the choice of Earth-Warder is both expected and unsatisfying, which is pretty much most writing since BfA.

It’s bizarre that mister I will do literally everything to not be involved with the flight becomes the flight’s leader but it was also fully expected because he’s the king of all fence sitters

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They should’ve made Emberthal Earthwarder.

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I also feel like Mr. House cares about his people in the same way that that internet guy cared about the prosperity of his SimCity playthrough. Maximum efficiency.

P.S. Nera is right, Darazzand is nothing special.

Elon Musk probably views himself as the love child between Mr. House and Tony Stark.


Still love that his own dad (who in his own right is a colossal douche canoe) fact-checked him on the emerald mine stuff, that Elon was trying to deny


I’ll tell you that a triumvirate is a pretty good summation of the black dragonflight rn, which is nice

We love to see our boys getting along even outside of their Getting Along T-Shirt T_T

The Weyrnless being overall commander of the Dracthyr is a good way to wrap up her early arc but this would also be extremely funny

This would suck less than ebyssian as Aspect tbh

“we must move away from the legacy of Neltharion”
→ literally makes his child the new black dragon aspect
:roll_eyes: okay Ebyssian “Nepobaby” the Earthwarder, whatever you say.

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To be fair, they’re all his descendents on some level