Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Hmm, you’re not wrong.

I think Thrall is the only answer left then.

  • Not a Black Dragon (Experiment), so no nepotism involved, separate from the legacy.
  • Has prior work-relevant experience (was the Earth-Warder proxy for a bit)
  • Voiced by Christ Metzen
  • Still Horde-aligned, like Ebyssian is, to balance against the Alliance-favourable aspects like Merithra.

Does anyone else beat these qualifications? I think not.

And he’s never read a single iron man comic.

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Umm, hello? Are you forgetting about Rupert, the Gentleman Elemental? He clearly has the etiquette that befits the position of an Aspect.


not voiced by metzen so far as I know, sorry. :-1: rejected

The answer, naturally, is me.

no humans allowed sorry

Showering reminded me that some people think Superior Iron Man is IC for Tony Stark.

I’m distraught once more and ordered spring rolls.

It’s okay I have an au ra

No humans.


An au ra of cringe!!!

Lmao gottem

Needs work.


They can’t all be bangers, i am in a field and it is warm

Pray tell, what’s wrong with Ebyssian?

Atleast he seems to be the most level-headed of the three.

At least they like broccoli.
Personally I find it terrible.


I love how when they’re eating, thanks to how they hold their paws, it also looks like they are constantly plotting. Be careful if a stranger suddenly offers to install a bell on top of your house!

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He’s too close to Highmountain tauren.
They’re going to join the Horde!

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A spiritual successor to a spiritual successor.

How far can we go?

All his writing, especially in the Zaralek patch, is him forcefully ejecting himself out of anything related to the black dragonflight. Sometimes he pops in to be the enlightened centrist, and then he wanders off again.
To the point that no less than 10 minutes after another generic lecture about how we must all come together to confront Aberrus, he runs off to do something else yet again.

But even worse than that is that he’s just so unbelievably boring. He’s got absolutely nothing going on. Even Wrathion, writing disaster that he might be, is more interesting than the grey mass known as Ebyssian.


Blizz writers, somehow: “Centrism is the Way, actually. Also, Unions bad.”

Given how strongly the devs came out agains Acti-Blizz’s massively transparent union-busting guff, I do wonder what the Narrative Leads end up smoking, honestly.
Or maybe it’s just being American, it does seem to habitually rot the brain :dracthyr_shrug:

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