Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Better cough up a little extra if you want the elves to sound elf

Very bizarre concept and absolutely feels like they’re just trying to push what people tolerate.

Those in glass houses, etc etc.

I love the Horizon games, but Forbidden West had a few things that really rusttled my jimmies. 1) colision bugs and glitches, including an entire side of a mountain that was about 6’ off its anchor points, and thus unclimbable.
2) that damned ‘Hey, lets make the character voice their thoughts out loud, with no option to turn if off, because we treat our players like they’re Actually Stupid’. Stop. Telling Me. About. Ammo Types! I know!
3) Combat changes were Not Fun for some long standing weapons. RIP Tripcaster…

Also, there’s nothing wrong with ER’s UI. It has janky hitboxes, psychic enemy :poop: with predicition and parries/move-reading, and compressions issues, sure. But ‘I don’t like the UI’ is not valid critique.

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May they all get in the Eternal Bin. Good grief.

Nevermind Gamers™, Executives™ were a mistake. Get rid of them.

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Horizon video game lady hot


Her and her many girlfriends :fist: :triumph:

Edit: It makes me laugh at how so many people were ‘outraged’ about one small optional scene in the FW DLC. Like, sure, ace Aloy is also entirely valid. But the other sorts of people… were they just not paying attention through both games so far? Like, damn. I wish I could switch my brain off like that sometimes :crazy_face:

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Status update:

I am now charged on a monster.

This is POWER

I still need to pick up TotK, but this reminds me of the Korok experience:


Nope, that’s a tried and true business model, pretending very hard to care about games they never played for donos.

The zone is to me on the same level of narrative dissonance as someone inserting the entire Nazgul kung fu fight sequence from the Hobbit into Lord of the Rings when Frodo asks Aragorn what the ringwraiths are.

Oof, what did I start…
The usual idiots going out to harass people over tweets are obviously in the wrong. But the tweet about CRT monitors and smoking was absolutely out of line in terms of any form of professional behaviour too. (Which is probably why he deleted it.)

Elden Ring’s UX is simply following a different design idea. And Guerilla Games should make long, deep eye contact with whoever decides on release dates and maybe let someone else decide next time.

Oh the korok exp is definitely alive as well…
Idk when I can bother to reach Ganon
Hope he’s got a spot free for me towards maybe Christmas.


listening to music to drown out my thoughts.

Forgotten a lot of the absolute bangers i used to listen to.

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I am 100% certain Elden Ring is sentient.

Enemy gear drop rates and how. Damn. Bleeding. OFTEN. You get duplicates is an absolute :poop: fest. Good grief…

I’m so tired of battle passes
I’ve played like two games with a battle pass and I’m already over the whole thing
Just demotivating to me


Welp, I tried a little of LOTR: Gollum. I’ll be honest fellow gamers, messed up on that one. Fortunately I don’t buy games that often so a one-time miss-buy I can survive.

But the game indeed feels unoptimized cause despite it’s graphics, it still sometimes stutters on my pc ( and it can run Red Dead Redemption 2 on max settings without a hitch). That and Gollum with that much hair just looks off… not to mention his voice too. I remember Shadow of War’s Gollum and honestly, he sounded alot more like the original even if it was clearly not Andy Serkis voicing him.

So yeah, tl;dr, screwed the pooch on getting that game.

When you look up Cradle of Filth songs and realise they’re still releasing stuff you haven’t seen (some official videos are from a year ago)

You’re assuming that just because it’s easy for you to master FFXIV gameplay, it must be easy for everyone. Or that everyone cares enough to do it.

Not everyone can “git gud” at reaction-based games.

As someone who usually has a strong dislike for ff14’s raid design because they like to stuff it with mechanics that you will basically have no way to understand until after you die to them, Endwalker’s normal raid series has been super doable and fairly intuitive throughout. I’d definitely say you should give it a go, aside from a small few bosses it’s easier than usual.

I like getting vored by the puppy in World of Darkness.

Everyone can do normal is my point.
It’s made specifically to be accesible for people. FFXIV as a whole is made so anyone can do anything or at the very least experience story from MSQ to normal raid story.

If savage was mandatory and the only way to experience story then I could see your complaint.

So yes, skill issue. I also sucked badly. Then I sat down and learned and got pointers from a friend and I would gladly do the same to you if you want.