Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

The official gollum apology is out.

I’m gonna start collecting these generic half hearted apologies that come out after every single ‘big’ western game release where they pretend they haven’t known for months that their completely unoptimized game is an unfinished cashgrab.

Though I do have to admit that DLC voice acting is a cartoonishly impressive new low that would once upon a time have been a real knee-slapper instead of reality.


You would think that such a kill streak of shoddy aaa releases would cause enough of a ruckus to start some positive changes in the industry. Unfortunately, consumers do not learn and keep preordering :credit_card:

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And once the Elden Ring DLC comes around some devs can go whine about Fromsoft games again.


That tantrum by the horizon devs remains some of the saddest behaviour i’ve ever seen re: game development

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Redpill me re: this

A hassle to link things cuz im on mobile but google horizon dev elden ring tweets and you’ll find some really embarrassing behaviour.

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Same energy.


Hope they whine about Armored Core VI so more people play it.


Googling it leads to Reddit who’s surprisingly being on side of Horizon dev who made just two tweets saying Elden Ring’s Game UX and quest design are bad.

Which is, more of an opinion that people can agree with than a tantrum, or are you talking about the embarrassing behaviour being the vitriol their opinion received?

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All of these reek of steaming envy of Elden Ring’s success at the time, more than anything else.
Pretty sure there were more but I haven’t exactly kept an archive of them so I am unfortunately stuck with only what google still dregs up.

Yeah that’s what I saw as well.

Are we really calling opinions tantrums? I’d rather call gamer reactions to those tweets tantrums. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I think throwing a fit on twitter because another game with a longstanding fanbase is outperforming yours is a tantrum yeah. Did people have gamerful responses to it? Almost certainly, but that doesn’t make those dev tweets less embarrassing.

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I think if a game is infallible in your eyes a vitriolic reaction to someone’s opinion is probably more embarrassing.

An UX director having a complaint about another game’s UX? Probably more worthwhile than an Elden Ring Youtuber’s opinion who makes 3 hour videos about some boss’s old comb.

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Did you AI generate this response I have no idea what you’re talking about now.
I’m afraid I am not one of the twitter posters that replied to those tweets

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Pride might be the worst sin, but envy is the ugliest.

Certainly whenever people on these forums have opinions, it seems borderline normal to call them out for being mentally unwell, dogwhistle of one or more evil ideologies etc.

Do as I say, not as I do, etc…

Anyway, I can see why you could call the dev having a tantrum- But I also believe, having looked into this issue, that some of the hate he received went overboard.

But that doesn’t invalidate or brush all the other valid criticism, ridicule and satire he received in the same bin.

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Is saying Elden Ring’s UX is bad a dogwhistle now?

I’m saying that as far as embarrassing stuff goes, this is pretty mild even if we’re considering how negative reviews can sometimes be. Like, you prefaced this by saying that this is a tantrum full of envy and whatnot, but… that’s it?

Reading more and more about this makes Elden Ring gamers look more embarrassing than devs working on UX who have opinions about some other game’s UX.

Difference is that developers represent their games and some random twitter user is just that; some random twitter user. I really don’t care what a generic twitter goblin has to say about these tweets nor have I bothered to doomscroll through the responses to them.

For sure. Like I said, I don’t doubt that they got some gamermaxxed responses, but that doesn’t really change the childish fit they threw about being out-done.

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Elden ring can (rightfully) be criticized for many things, including it’s quest design, namely how obtuse they can be and how easy it is to lose the thread of the quest and essentially make it incompletable. But when another dev goes “pfft, it ain’t even that good” when that game outsells their own, it reads very salty and lacks tact.

As obnoxious as From fans can be, this doesn’t feel like a very professional thing to say for a person to say about a product of his industry’s collegues.
Calling it a tantrum is probably overexagerrating it, but it comes across as petty still.


probably doesn’t help when your game gets reviewbombed by snowflake Gamers™ for having a realistic woman your leading character (and apparently also kiss another woman?)

… Waitwaitwait… Run that by me again? What? Pardon? :face_with_spiral_eyes: