Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

You (I think) posted something that was deeply confusing to me a while ago, with various machines on stage with a lot of Japanese.
It was around the time gundam was being discussed so two different things may have fused into one.

That is one of my flags, yes.

Oh the stage show, yeah it’s gundam

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They have such fantastic anime hair.

I am now done with the diablo crossover event.

Someone is cutting onions again.


Cat is expensive again.

44 quid for food (they don’t have the right flavour currently in B&M) and 17 for cat litter.

-Lies down-
-Curls up-
-Cries a lot-

Very, very good questline in general that made me feel a lot of stuff.

A perfectly serviceable rts.


It was solid. Clearly took inspiration from Warcraft 3 but what didn’t back then? But it was overshadowed by the original BFME which was then utterly dwarfed by BFME2 (which has a communtiy still going based around mods).


Good music, great voice acting, detailed units and models(and good artwork), some decent maps and cool unit ideas.

Sadly however it also had: Weird story choices/plot, complete lack of balance, alot of bugs, very bad ai, some very confusing maps(Looking at you Helm’s Deep), and probably one of the worst rts map editors I’ve seen.


I’d talk about how much i’d love a BFME3 but that’s a monkey paw wish if there ever was one.


A good substitute for it since you mentioned BFME2 mods, Age of the Ring mod.

It is continuously updated, and among all of the list of features here are the highlights:

  • Hundreds of new maps and several new game modes, all well done.

  • Complete overhaul of the War of the Ring gamemode.

  • Overhaul of the base factions/balancing aswell as new factions. Men is split up into Rohan and Gondor as seperate factions, elves is split up into Rivendell, Lothlorien and the Woodland Realm. Dwarves is changed to Erebor(Which can go either dwarves or men of dale as two seperate factions via in-game choices.)
    Gobblins is changed to Misty Mountains and remains mostly the same with new fantasy/units. Mordor and Isengard are updated aswell. Two new factions: Dol Guldur and Haradwaith. Angmar is removed entierly.

  • Every faction has received an overhaul to their spells. Also new custom hero classes and updates to that system.

  • Ring heroes has had a massive update. It’s no longer Sauron for evil and Galadriel for Good. Instead Rohan, Gondor, Lothlorien and Rivendell gets Frodo. Woodland Realm and Erebor gets Bilbo. Isengard gets an upgraded Saruman, Misty Mountains get Smaug, Dol Guldur transforms their best hero(The Necromancer) into a unique Sauron, Mordor gets a re-worked Sauron and Haradwaith gets Zigûr(Unique Sauron in disguise, similiar to the Necromancer).

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Yeah Age of the Ring comes to mind, Dagor Daggorath was also a good one. Man, i hate that my laptop doesnt have a disk drive or i’d be installing it.

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Oh dear I remember this game. I remember the last mission for good being tough as hell when the balrog was coming towards my base, and to defeat him I had to destroy three buildings that weakened him, which were all -behind- him.

today I learned that; 9x74 = 666

I bought a usb disc drive to play BFME2 on


Edain mod is life.

As did I.

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WTB a single family event thing that has food that I don’t have to force myself to eat.

ok but did i ask?