Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

It wouldn’t matter if you had.
I want to talk about me, not you and your monotonous life.

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Beats you up really quickly and easily

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If you did, it’d be the most interesting thing you’d have done. So it seems unlikely.


your owns are better than stonetower’s, this is why we work


To be fair, i’m sure there are certain places to get it.


Remember when I mentioned Edain?
And how EA lost the license?

Coming top of the game but still being on the losing teams feels worse than being on the winning team but being third best on my team.

what’s that about huh

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Because you still lost.

I didn’t lose! I played the got the top score out of anyone! That means I’m the BEST. So why isn’t that enough…? :pensive:

I guess your TEAMWORK wasn’t the best though huh

Edain is cool and all, but I prefer the free-base system of BFME2

Actually it was!!! I was playing with the map hack knife (helpful for team, support!!!) while the rest of my team were dumb grapple guys (helpful for yourself only, selfish).

Maybe if we were all map hack knifers we’d have won.

I run a Tone titan too, for double plus map hacking.

Grapple is fantastic for your team if you use it correctly, i.e if you buzz around enemy titans like the most annoying mosquito to ever live while peeling at their cooldowns and armor( and batteries hehe).

If you only use it for epic parkour it has as much value as A-wall :pensive:

I preferred 1 and the castle, camp, outpost system. It prevents bush hiding.

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Your inner brat is showing again.

I’d make a joke about the ghost of Dawn of War lifting it’s head, but given the community and modding of DoW1 is still alive and hanging on with tooth, nail and vicious kicking, I feel like I’d be doing them a disservice.

Maybe someday we’ll get remasters or reboots worth of the title :fist: :pensive:

no it isn’t because it doesn’t exist!!!

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No, it doesn’t exist… on the inside.
Because it’s who you are.
And don’t you change!

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Counterpoint; I used to watch Iniquity gaming on TF2. The man could slingshot himself from one end of the map to the other, and dome people without ever ADSing. Wall-running, constant slide-hopping… movement god.

Gods I miss TF2…

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My boots are blocking the path Leo takes to sit by my feet.

No, don’t tell him he can go around my boots, they are exactly in his way.