Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Thought you were talking about Path of Radiance for a second and got excited, that game is a nightmare to find a copy of

God I wish. PoR and Radiant Dawn are so long overdue for a re-release. That might actually make me excited for a Switch version.

They can both be emulated with Dolphin, and it even supports save porting across from one to the other. Good luck getting an official copy thoughā€¦

Related, hereā€™s an original advert for Fire Emblem 7, back when it was first coming outā€¦

never forget what they took from me

They removed the quest regarding Alexstrazsa.

Still, having it there in the first place when Blizzard is infamous for, wellā€¦ gestures hand vaguely


Thank god, that quest was one of the biggest genuinely awful decisions the writers have ever made



Not surprised. Thereā€™s a thread in the general forum where some dude is fuming about people voicing their opinion on having the quest removed, before it even was removed.

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It looks like the replacement quest (or at least one of the alternatives) is making sure Invincible dies, which Iā€™m pretty sure leads to Arthas getting laid.

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Itā€™s still a weirdly grim series of quests (thereā€™s a big difference between ā€˜sorry chief I can transport you to 1998 but you canā€™t stop 9/11 from happeningā€™ and ā€˜hey chief gonna need you to fly a plane real quickā€™) but yeah, difference in degree for sure


Reading the GD responses to the situation have made me so tired.


The Bronze flight having to ensure bad things (and sometimes good things) stay happening to avoid total time collapse is cool. It ensures that they canā€™t be pure and edgeless like the rest of the flights are moving towards, it gives another reason for Infinites to exist on top of Murozond (Bronzes who grow disdainful of doing Bad For Greater Good) and - if they wanted to - could give a good reason for the other flights to be a bit iffy of the Bronzes. There can be some nice tension there.

Intellectually, a blue dragon might understand that the bronzes canā€™t go back in time to stop Malygos (or Deathwing) going crazy. Emotionally, itā€™s a lot harder to see a dude with magic time-fix powers sit there and do nothing because ā€œitā€™s a canon event broā€.

I just donā€™t think the current crop of Blizz writers/quest designers (since apparently the writers donā€™t have any say in it??) should be touching anything SA related for the next Forever. They ainā€™t earned peopleā€™s trust enough to do so, especially with the flippant writing of the Alexstrasza one.


But distantpeak what are these poor g4m3rs to do if they canā€™t enable the SA of women in WoW?

Itā€™s like telling a fish it canā€™t swim or a monkey it canā€™t climb. Cruel and inhumane.

General forums more like general being badā€¦ or smth

this weather sure is giving me a healthā€¦


Yeah, I think the writers are more focused on cinematics/books/etc?

Apparently the writers/historians can be consulted on quest content (but donā€™t have to be!) and even if they tell the designer the stuff theyā€™re writing isnā€™t canon or is out of character the QD can just overrule them.

Continuity exists to etc. etc.

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pain in 10!

Some WoW players should be on Watch Lists.
Iā€™m not even joking anymore. So many internet Denizens are so far beyond Touching Grass all potential humour has shrivelled and died.

It is joined by the ghost of whatever sense of morality those chuckle-fudges ever hadā€¦


My very tired brain has been annoying me about how to structure BfA better. Iā€™ll put it under a read moreā€¦


throw out the tree war stuff
Alliance imprisons Talanji and Zul (because itā€™s Zul), Zandalar requests help from the Horde
Horde goes in to free them, this causes Genn to be able to push for more aggression against the Forsaken
Attack on Undercity happens but Sylvanas doesnā€™t do comically evil things
We move on into zandalar and kul tiras to strengthen the troups
other plots are helping Jaina with her mental health and healing Volā€™jin (whoā€™s alive because I said so)
first two raids are cleaning up the old god influences in nazmir and stormsong
next one is a naval battle themed one with the faction war getting some focus
instead of last boss shouting ā€œenoughā€ we get interrupted from beating each other on the high seas by Azshara

naga things happen
mr old god fish tentacles across our screens

rastakhan can stay king, talanji becomes Horde emissary for the zandalari
ā€¦ we do not feature a certain light forsaken, she does not exist.

shadowlands story hook gets moved to bwonsamdi and gorak tul
and then we can have a tug of War story line between sylvanas and uther over whatā€™s left if arthas
Also the jailer could be less of a mustacheless mustache twirler and more of a code corruption that eats anima like some pc issues eat memory
I have some design ideas for how to improve some of the stuff in SL and make it funkier/weirder but not enough health to draw them atm, will do eventually

Iā€™m forgetting some stuff, but this made me feel better.

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Still better than what we got :+1:

I admit my own headcanon/ideal What If re-work is a bit more extensive and goes as far back as Cata, mostly so we can put to bed the nonsense of ā€˜Thereā€™s only one Burning Legion even with Time Travelā€™ while still maintaining the timeline (and also playing with chekovs Gulā€™dan, because that could be quite fun).

And so we could have both Garrosh and Varian being Big Stupid Heroes at Burning Shore, Cairne living long enough to go down fighting while passing leadership to Baine in a fitting way, and also Sylvanas not being hit by the Bull-:poop: Villain Bat.

Shadowlands? Donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about friend. Come on, up you get, weā€™ve got Naga and Old Gods to kill!

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At this point in time I fully believe covid made some people lose their minds across the board

Blizzard included