Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Oh damn, 16 mins too late, but still, congratz Croe!

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Well, one of the common things that’s part of post/Long Covid is cognitive issues, brain fog, etc.

So… wouldn’t be a huge leap, honestly?

The Light Forsaken shall haunt you for eternity.

Calia has grown on me, especially with her not taking the spot of Queen and instead being one of many council members

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me: gotta go to bed, work in the morning
my brain: but also this person suggested a 5e class based around fire snakes and wouldn’t you know it, I’m now 5 pages deep with a full set of mechanics and lore on the way


My brain torments me when I want to sleep as well.
Me: Sleepy.
My brain: Pikachu’s have different tails based on sex.
Me: Shut up brain, sleepy.
My brain: Do trans pikachu’s alter their tails?
Me: Frick sake, now I have to google this?!


Actually, I can sympathize and understand -some- of the critique the GD forums and people elsewhere have given. Mostly because I make the following assumption, because I believe most people have good intentions:

The main critique, I believe, is regarding Blizzard getting rid of all the gritty or evil or reprehensible quests or dialogue in order to be the “moral police” for the players. Kind of like the insane OG dev who told people who think Arthas did nothing wrong in Stratholme should go to a doctor.

In this regard, the critique is aimed at Blizzard’s arrogance and “killing with kindness” approach. It’s particularly infuriating when a company that turns women into fruit bowls as a moral police then in a 180 degree turn does things like this.

I could of course be wrong and maybe most of these gamers just hate women and/or just want edgy stuff for the sake of edginess. Who knows.

All the same, this is a rare instance where I support the changing of the quest precisely because I have 0 (0/0) faith Blizzard can do it tastefully.

But I do think that fundamentally grimdark and sinister subjects can be handled well in all mediums, be they books or video games etc.

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Brain during the day: Tired, can we nap?
Brain at night: Random anxiety ramblings.

Why are they like this?



Just not that topic, and especially BECAUSE it’s Blizzard. Big Hell No.


If we’re looking at GD forums specifically, no. They just hate minorities and want edgy stuff for the sake of edginess (very likely it’s not even edgy stuff, just… bigotry).

I don’t think that’s being argued either. Even WoW has had its grimdark and sinister subjects. Though in my opinion, you can do plenty of grimdark/sinister stuff without having to resort to (real life) bigotry to carry the theme.

Even with the timey-wimey oopsie-daisy quests they could’ve had done something more interesting and dark. I guess the problem also becomes that Blizzard as the corporation has been in every scandal imaginable, so touching on these topics will be quite problematic in general, or the devs might get fired (like that one guy who made a yacht joke).

I was going to suggest something about the Stonemasons, but considering it’s Blizzard and how anti-union they are I don’t think they’d do it well either.


I cannot even with the GD forum goers ATM.

I am friends with an SA survivor and I was one of the people on call around the clock for them fearing they may do something drastic (and I’ll do it again)

So I don’t really need to see this in WoW.

Also this is breast milk stealing, serial harasser, get drunk on the job Blizzard we’re talking about, they shouldn’t be touching that topic with a 10ft barge pole.


It could be even simpler than that. From long bitter experiencing working in the industry that employs me I’ve learned that some people despise change solely because it is change. No higher reasoning required. The positive or negative outcomes of the change don’t even enter the equation. Change therefore bad.


I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I learned something during the few months a couple of years ago where I tried to brave the GD forums for a longer time period.

Apart from the general WoW playerbase(or atleast forum posters) being toxic and hostile by default, GD has its own “regulars”, including a group of atleast 5-6 players that are very active whenever anything remotely related to “treat other humans nicely” is mentioned in the world, let alone WoW.

Most of the toxic threads come from them either on their mains or altposting. And they got some severe hatred towards basic decency.


A thing I wish the game industry at whole would understand better.

You can make serious/grittier stories without relying on topics such as SA, racial prejudice and other similar topics people already struggle with in real life. If anything it is at best lazy to go for it, and at worst, deliberate with poor intentions.


I’m sure it’s not just GoT/GRR Martin, but I think the trend of ‘gritty’ fantasy and shows feeling this actually-rather-creepy ‘need’ to include SA, y’know, to show how ‘gritty’ it is?

Yeah. That could do with Not Being a Thing. It’s bad enough that it’s a thing people have to deal with in reality, nevermind in fiction (in a non sensitive, non social-commentary/point-making kind of way)


Making a comment on this as well as sharing a pet peeve of mine related to Game of Thrones.

The thing with GoT and GRR Martin is that there are edgy folks that are edgier than what he even writes himself. The books have more fantasy-related plots with plenty of sorcery and political intrigue and such, while still obviously being as gritty as the rest of the setting.

When the show adaptation of the books were made, entire character story arcs, characters, and major main plotlines were outright removed because the fans that the series had attracted were much more in for the “WOAH!!! SO GRITTY!!! SO GOREY!!! SO MUCH NSFW STUFF ON THE SCREEN!!!” than literally anything else of it, with their usual comments being very similar to those in favour of these quests making it into the game.

A chief example of this would be Euron Greyjoy in the books VS the series. In the books, he’s a character that makes the Twilight’s Hammer seem low fantasy and a genuinely scary and conniving guy. In the series? Well, they were high into that whole ‘the grittier and gorey and obscener ALL the time the better!’ and just turned him into a walking parody of himself whose entire personality, archetype and motivation is ‘I have the hots for one of the main characters.’

TL;DR: George RR Martin is an edgy sonuva a lot of the times, but he and his writing pales in comparison to the crowd the TV adaptation attracted. They encouraged the sacrifice of the coolest, most fantasy and fantasy-esque parts of GoT just for more weird moments being portrayed in live action because in a competition of edginess, HBO’s GoT’s fanbase would outmatch a chainsaw.


Both my cats love my clothing bin. Today, Benji got in it first.


i hope benji is taking a good nap


Give him smooches please.


GD was always a cesspool, but the current majorshift happended around Legion to what it has become today.

GD folk will pick a fight for no reason or try and belittle for no reason either, it’s a wonderful enviroment to grow circlejerking in.

I also happen to know some of the regulars also frequent their discord server, which is just as full of awful folk as GD, though more on the subtle side until they got outed over it here on AD a lil while ago :^)

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