Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Tried it, couldn’t get into it.

I’m sorry.

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Was a shame the last season was hamstrung by production issues/episode limitations. Clearly rushed towards the ending.

Really should get around to reading the books one of these days.

stop talking about smells. im tired of hearing about it. my friends in glimmerogg are always smelling, in loamm it’s always sniffing. I was in zaralek, and aaaall the niffen were just sniff sniff stuff. i showed my [I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (25 player)] achievement to my girlfriend and said “hey babe, when the saronite is smelly. ding ding ding di ding ding (thats the dragonflight leitmotif btw)”

for real, hate one-note races, all my homies hate stupid one-note races introduced out of nowhere

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I’ll give credit where credit is due, though. The hunter mechanics in WC5e 3.0, while clunky and unbalanced, ooze the class fantasy for me. When joining the campaign, I read through them and was like: yes, this mechanic and that mechanic and that other mechanic are all such Lintian things to have!

The system let me build Lintian (as a hunter 4/mage 1 when I joined the campaign) exactly as I envisioned and roleplayed her: as a crazy-prepared DEX/INT pathfinder, fighting primarily with her bow and beast companion and using a bit of basic magic to compensate for her weaknesses and for exploration utility. Every single class feature made sense and felt like something that worked thematically and made total sense for her to have.

In comparison, when I tried to build Lintian in the old WoW RPG, I felt like I was fighting the system, and the end result was some kind of primal mystic that was very much not the character I had in mind.


I really hope the show continues at some point, since it’s not technically cancelled, just on hold. Which I guess makes sense because I hear there’s a timeskip in the books between where the show left off and the final books

Gender discrimination/prejudice 100% exists in Azeroth, showcased in both smaller and bigger examples (like Thrall saying “spare the women” when storming Durnholde keep), discrimination/prejudice against your sexual orientation does not (I spent the better part of a week looking for examples in an early, now forgotten age of pet peeves and was actually impressed by this, seemingly all the way back to WC1). Cool move by Danuser from an objectively moral standpoint I suppose but it also shows his complete lack of knowing anything about Azeroth.

Gender discrimination in WoW is from a much earlier iteration of the game and has been thoroughly scrubbed in the years since (thankfully)


I looked at the current revised draft of the 3.1 hunter.

Not sure yet how the numbers add up — feels like it’s on the stronger side, maybe even overtuned. But just in terms of how the mechanics feel? This is goooood. It feels like it adds everything I felt missing from the 3.0 version and then some. And it would make my turns more varied than “shoot, bonus action flyby claw attack”.

…Though if we ever switch to this edition, I’m going to miss the giant owl.

Peeves: Characters who are killed off in stories. Usually as a plot mechanic, rather than it being a good time to sweep them off.
See a lot of this in TWD. A super interesting character comes into the show and oop, oh no, they’re dead.
There are some shows that do it really well. But newer tv does it for shock value, which is totally sucky.
Instead of having an instant character who could really add to the story. They have a dead character, who will add about one more episode of repeated plot lines to another season.

It’s a vast improvement over the 3.0 version!

…they still need to fix the 18th and 20th level features though.

FF16 peeve: I keep getting new accessories from quests and stuff but I don’t get to use them because all my slots are filled up on boosting my exp/AP gain. Got that power level grindset…

Not played that one yet. I’ve heard bad things.
I couldn’t get into FF15, because the combat was too… I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

I miss the turn based Final fantasies.
If you ever get a chance, I 100% recommend Lost Odyssey.

Or that time I told Berach he shouldn’t swear with a certain illness, only for him to start screeching he was being censored, and eventually ending up with him deleting the posts in shame.

Someone who rp’ed in Strom tried to assure me a few months ago that the current AHG was different from it’s earliest incarnation. But I sincerely doubted it when they took a bunch of certain horse-lovers in, and now they’re apparently thrown out of Strom aswell.

I think that’s my peeve: The idea of north rp is fun, but it is exceedingly populated by weird Gamers with a capital G whom I dont want to touch with a ten foot pole, and the only reason I sometimes go north is cause some friends are there.


I can see where they’re coming from, where those were the literal only classes and paladins were a variant of a fighter variant (cavalier)

Paladin definitely has several dud levels though, where the best you get is maybe a spell slot

Yeah, I used to run D&D styled RP events, with character sheets, modifiers, boss battles. But people like that would always ruin things. (Hence the stabby stab with shocksword)
It’s kinda hard to have a good day when someone starts shouting at women for daring to speak in their presence and starts whipping them.

I do miss those events though… but I’m not very creative. I’d convert final fantasy bosses into things that made sense for WoW and use the general mechanics for those. Like one of the first bosses in FFIX, who had a party member in a cage on it’s back, and would drain health from them.

I like the sniffen niffen.

Really? Heard nothing but praise so far, other than an incredibly delusional complaint that the… easymode made-for-accessibility powerups make the game… easy?

Though it is an exclusive and exclusives are a sin


Oh, I’m a fan of accessibility. I’ve a few disabled friends and more options that allow them to play games at all is good.

Perhaps I’ll look more into the game then. :slight_smile:

Oh, Exclusive to what?

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The game is playstation only, unfortunately. It looks fairly promising but I don’t intend to buy a playstation ever

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Ah, that’s… a massive pity.
I hate exclusivity.
LIke, lost odyssey is one of my favourite JRPG’s, but it’s exclusive to Xbox, so a few friends are unable to play it.
Alas, being exclusive to Playstation, means my disabled friend is unable to play. D=