Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I was in The Click’s discord. And the moderator had it out for me, dunno why.
The Click is a guy on youtube, he’s hot, has a lovely voice, posts memes. Very fun.
But the moderator is not any of those things.
We were talking about pokemon, I shared my Eeveelution emotes from the Tipsytune discord, another great discord.
Just one line, of all of Eevee’s evolutions running in a row.
Moderator dive bombed in, deleted it, warned me to stop spamming and got into an argument with me.
They also deleted some of my earlier emotes, when everyone else was posting emotes.

It’s like… what did I do? XD

I hate moderators… I hate myself when I moderate, it’s why whenever I do moderate now, I tend to take a more passive approach to it. If anyone does anything awful, then sure, but for spamming? Just telling them to chill out a bit.

I mean, for the really big discords like Click’s you do have to be a bit more hands on to keep things orderly. But it’s always good to warn first, delete later.

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Jannies have cheeto fingers.

I know it’s looney tunes because I always made the association with the sheet music on the credits. I think the toons association showed up much later as a false memory brought on by all these derivitive shows in the 90’s.


I’m waiting for ANY kind of update from the blooming Gamesworkshop order that release on Saturday, after a two-freaking-week pre-order wait.

Given I passed up a chance to get one from my FLGS (annoying them in the process, because I forgot I was on the pre-order list) and one from the nearest GW store, AND I got mixed up and the pre-order from the webstore wasn’t the same as the one from IN store…
Not being able to organise a drunkening in a brewery springs to mind :angry:

Okay but what dish did you promise

I’ve said it before, but this video makes me unreasonably happy, and I hope it will make more people happy today!


No thoughts behind those eyes.

Head empty.


a sequel!!


This is amazing, thank you so much for showing this!

The sequel we needed! I love them so much.

I play in a Pathfinder 1E game and my Oracle recently levelled up. I decide to look through the spell list to see what I can get, and notice Spear of Purity (for owlcat-heads, it’s like Arrow of Law except hurts evil outsiders instead of chaotic ones)

Description reads: “You hurl a pure white or golden spear of light from your holy symbol…”

My holy symbol is a birthmark on my face

I have a laser eye

Yeah I’ll give these evil outsiders my “spear of purity” alright.

:eggplant: head

Also whenever combat starts they stop being able to speak any language except specifically Celestial, I love oracles


put your :eggplant: s away the pair of you, you’re in public.

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If memory serves, the last “big case” of discrimination in the World of Warcraft was evidenced in Warlords of Draenor when Garrosh allowed women to rise in the ranks of the Iron Horde which supposedly was difficult prior to its formation because of the “ancient social structure of the orc clans”. Thank you reformist Garrosh.

A prior, and by internet times I suppose ancient but after Cataclysm at least, there was instance where Jaina was ogled and more or less talked down to in a very strange way by some Stormwind noblemen, this being after she is more or less recognized as the most powerful wizard in the world after the Third War.

The baron put his meaty hand on her shoulder, and her skin crawled at his touch. “I think we have an orc lover here, boys.” The ensuing laughter smelled of stale mead. The baron leaned in close, too close, his breath hot and mocking. "Or maybe your tastes run more toward reeking tauren?

Arguably gender does not come into play directly, but in a previous paragraph the baron is described to ogle her thusly:

Jaina felt the man’s eyes walk all over her as only a young baron would dare.

So I’d say from Legion onwards it’s become increasingly rarer (if existent at all) and going forward it will probably never happen again.

Unless some dev “didn’t know the lore” again and we get another Alexstrasza time travel situation.

I decided to buy Kingmaker cause it was cheap and people keep talking about Pathfinder crud.


One of us one of us (hit me up if you need any help)


I’ll stumble around first and see what happens.
I like to make mistakes to experience why they’re considered mistakes.

Some people you meet are the best mistakes you’ll ever make.

The game doesn’t always tell you why they’re mistakes.

Took me ages to realize that ‘miss’ didn’t mean my character having an immediate brain fart and somehow missing this very large creature in front of them, but moreso ‘the attack failed’.

also idc what ppl think regongar was a cute ship