Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I 'member draenei being sexist.

Exarch Onaala says:

"When I was young I trained hard to become an anchorite in the priesthood. Female exarchs were practially unheard of.

Nowadays gender matters little - it is courage and conviction that makes all the difference."

I often describe a miss as a strike that didnā€™t do damage (you hit their armour, or its hide is too thick where you struck, etc) for exactly this reason - a creature with high AC acting like Neo instead of just being heavily armoured is a little silly

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Donā€™t ask Stonetower for help theyā€™ll overshare half the plot with you, ask me for help because Iā€™m violently opposed to spoilers

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oh you want DP to just walk into the HAVA reveal completely blind? i see how it is

I donā€™t know what that acronym means because Iā€™m not trying to be a hip zoomer, but probably yes

it means HAVA nice day

lmao gottem!!!

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One new addition to my forums ignore list. Donā€™t worry youā€™ll be in good company

when in doubt just right click on the enemy until they fall over
if you die, reload the save and repeat
eventually youā€™ll win

ā€œFrƤuleinā€ - Random Grandia translator

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I may be a damned fool at crpg mechanics and combat timing but I dare the enemy to stop me from trying.

when the quick save/quick load hits just right


Reminds me of translations of old pirated games like GTA where when someone saying ā€œchill the f outā€ was translated into ā€œcool down your f-ingā€, if I were to translate it back into english. The whole of San Andreas was full of such interesting interpretations of language.

Toybox + hotkey all enemy instakill = winnerā€™s experience

Tangentially related, the fact that Convergenceā€™s story (despite its many flaws) shows clearly that someone with the power to effectively quicksave/load conversations would very quickly lead to a sociopath who treats people like objects you can manipulate into doing what you want was great

Yeah, so, ā€˜attack that failedā€™.

Just the wording miss gives you the impression that you, yā€™know, missedā€¦

now letā€™s play a fun owlcat game, who has higher AC?

a naked boi that speaks cryptically about some dips, orā€¦ someone decked out head to toe in full plate?

Itā€™s what Iā€™ve done in Kingmaker. Oh, I can only pass this check if I roll 15 or more? Alright, Iā€™ll do five tries.

Oh, passing this check gives me 90k EXP? Alright, Iā€™ll do it for the next half an hour. Donā€™t ask my autism why that didnā€™t turn out to be the most boring thing ever, though.

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just take a lil scaled fist level dip bro itā€™s totally fine itā€™s not addictive bro just line it with a lil nature oracle on top bro

(itā€™s the problem with martial classes in Pathfinder 1E, where itā€™s very rare that putting a bunch of levels in one class is better than getting features from many classes - that, and armour bonuses almost never scale nearly as well as stacking dodge bonuses)

Meanwhile, me, an Oracle with a Natureā€™s Whispers thinking Iā€™m gonna be the tankiest boy ever, but still somehow manage to mess it up

(I found a cool armor with a cool effect and the armor gives me slightly more armor than just pure Charisma, I guess I should have at some point taken Archmage Armor and some Robe or something idk what naked chars donā€™t wear)

oh well

tell me how to ride aivu now please.

in theory it should come up as a basic ability (in the middle of your action bar, where the things like charge and coup de grace life) as soon as you hit mythic level 7 and Aivu becomes Large.

If Mount Up hasnā€™t appeared I can only suggest trying something like equipping the Triceratops Statuette if you have it and see if summoning Bismuth creates it, or respeccing to see if resetting your progress and going back from scratch fixes it

I tried that with Bismuth, didnā€™t work. Also tried killing Aivu and even after that experience (thanks, ellyā€¦) it also didnā€™t work.

so now i canā€™t ride aivu and iā€™m traumatized to boot

I guess I can try respeccing, but Iā€™ve been somewhat hesitant to - doesnā€™t respeccing remove all the book things youā€™ve learnt on top?

It shouldnā€™t but I donā€™t know for sure - worst case, the book buffs are a +1 to a skill here and there, nothing major