Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

No thanks, I’m not a fan of sexual content. (I am like… mega mega prude)
Albeit I did use urban dictionary, and it tends to be far more graphic than any image ever can be, sometimes…

Honestly? Couple of a little graphic images, but otherwise its just goth ladies (cartoons and real ones) dressed in goth clothes

Without going into too much detail, anything that makes me think of sex tends to depress me… PTSD from something bad… Not to mention depression and stuff doesn’t help either.
I hate romance too. That didn’t work out well for me either.

I’m all cool with others enjoying this stuff though, so knock yourself out, google it all day till your arms grow limp.

Chavs and [Free Space]

Nobody likes chavs. That’s the point; they’re chavs.

(I actually haven’t seen any for years, tbf. But maybe that’s just good luck on my part :joy:)

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Yeah… I hate them… a lot.
Got beat up in my garden by two, it was recorded. They got away with it.

I got lucky I grant you, they only kicked the shirt out of me…
Those two specifically have done far worse. You can find one of them by looking up “Police don riot gear to enter shetland jail cell”
Yeah… could’ve been worse.

Gross detail

A seperate incident involved him licking the contents of his own ahem… exit, off his fingers.
I suspect there may have been drugs involved.

Cool that worked. I can now hide things in little clicky buttons.

FF16 peeve: The hunt board runs out of hunts in a way where they don’t fill up all the rows, meaning it’s an ‘uneven’ finish. Disgraceful.

Dunno, I’ve only got to the end of episode 2 so far.

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That would drive me mad.
I’d either get a mod to fix that… make a mod to fix that… or just keep completing every hunt just so they’re never uneven.

Time for me to sleep. Have a lovely day everyone. Hatdog needs rest or she’ll err… wolf out even more… Become like a Worgen Worgen. Very messy.

Important question:

Obsidian Worldbreaker or Black Drake

Which one do I pick as the visual for a Black Dragon character?

Black drake - Worldbreaker is deliberately designed to look like Deathwing and very few black drakes went close to that far. Most died and/or went insane trying to get elementium plating

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Valid point, but man the drake’s low res appearance makes my brain crease and hurt.

Especially when it’s put up with sets that have more pixels and detail.

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Estonian has evolved too, from using v-s instead of w-s and inventing the õ instead of ö, but no vowel shifts…

guess we just too smart to realise a vowel shift sounds absurd !!!


I use that for a female and World Breaker for a male personally.
Drake has the problem of looking too drakey for me.

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Alas I lack the Onyxian Drake for now
It is the ONE drake I need for that achieve too >:(

Tell me of this dragon.

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Using a rogue (Goblin) for the visage, female, still building on them but I’m feeling carefree semi rebellious vibes…

I dream for when we can use the Dragonriding mounts outside of the Isle (And Kalimdor races), the customisations are PERFECT…

Its also why I want the option to hide the rider.
I like my dragon chars.

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Tarecgosa’s rest but different flight colours when? :pray:


Pros: I saw a wild fox when walking home from the petrol station having stocked up on energy drinks

Cons: The fact I’m out buying energy drinks at 1am means this is officially the 32nd night since June last year I’ve had to skip sleep due to workload

More pros: Me and the fox caught each others eyes for a second or two and I think we shared a moment that’ll last forever


Why was there a discussion on gaelic names, all of which are less pronounciable than Eyjafjallajökull said 3 times in a row.

Peeve: I need to send a message to the guy I want to order a robe from, because the largest size does not fit my shoulders (54cm vs my 56cm) and socialanxiety is getting in the way. I need the robe for a SCP-049 cosplay for comic con in october incase anyones wondering.

Also my friends always deciding to base RIGHT UP AGAINST my starter house in MC. So I went and beat the dragon, got shulkers and Elytra, pack MY WHOLE DAMN HOUSE and move about 4k blocks away.

I will eventually make a nether highway to connect.

Update nobody asked for:

Having not slept due to workload and about to head back into the trenches for the “regular 9 to 5” workload, I’m getting my first inclination that age is not my friend

Only months ago my all nighters resulted in a bout of “We’re so back”/“F it we ball” energy to keep me going all day - but now I’m tottering like the tower in Pisa and those bathroom floor tiles of mine are looking awfully comfy …

Pray for me gamers; I may not survive the hour …