Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

shiny maths rocks


Enemies to lovers
Grumpy sunshine

Enemies to lovers grumpy sunshine

Yes, of course I’m talking about the Helnik ship, how could you tell?


They are generic, but they were also released in 1983 initially at the height of DnD tropes being established left and right and still retain much of their OG style (which to me is great, they are just as cheesy today as back then).

I think ironically Warhammer elves might be more unique in today’s wide array of fictional elven cultures because of how aggressively boilerplate they are, and that’s just peak Warhammer.

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It’s not just that. Alleria Windrunner got ruined once she became a void elf, as if one edgy windrunner wasn’t enough. Now we have two. A void and a Darkfallen.

Would have been 100% better if she came back simply as a High elf. That’s the Alleria people were hoping to see when she was reported missing in action.

Now we wish she was never found in the first place.

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Only thing that made her interesting.
Vereesa is a :zzz: character.
High Elf Alleria would’ve been :zzz: too.


Death Knights are :zzz:

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As a fan of Warcraft 2, I assure you Alleria would not have been boring if she returned as she was in Warcraft 2.

Read up a bit on her lore. What she did in Quel’thalas. what she did during her 1000 years of being lost in the nether. She’s amazing in every way. A soldier.

She has two statues in-game honoring her (Dalaran and Stormwind) and a stronghold named after her.

Even Lor’themar was amazed to be in her presence when she returned.

Comparing her to Veressa is just low.


actually death knights never sleep we just stand there silently for 6-8 hours unmoving, it’s incredibly eerie

I know her lore tyvm, that doesn’t mean she’d be interesting. She’d be another Alliance-oriented high elf ranger windrunner who doesn’t like the Horde. Her conversations, attitudes, and actions were already filled in for by Vereesa. They would have served identical roles in the story going forwards, so something needed to change about her to make it work for both of them to be around.

I’d have rather Turalyon and Vereesa never return and their fates be left unknown forever personally. Alas, 'twas not to be.


Her having to come to terms with an almost alien world, the state of her home, her people etc is still more interesting, imo, than yet more “Oh no, Light might be bad, actually?!” Blizz centrist writing. All to add into the whole Illidan going “Heh, nothing personal kid” schtick.

But heaven forbid WoW writing ever has subltety, depth, or emotions dialled to less than 10 :pensive:

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Jokes on you, that entirely happened in offscreen conversations anyway. Her void-mode had nothing to do with it, nor would it have.

It’s not like people are saying “oh man maybe Alleria would have been conflicted about the Horde and Silvermoon!” because…she’s not, she wasn’t, no one seems to have wanted her to be. They talk up - like has been done here - about how she’s a cool Alliance war hero fighting for the Alliance. Zero subtlety.

And, again, any of that “split loyalty” stuff? Well damn, wonder if Vereesa might have ever felt that. It’s the same story! Except they didn’t do it before, so why would they do it now?

Which is far more interesting than the 90% of Thalassian elves who follow the horde and hate alliance guts

Unlike Vereesa, Alleria is not a housewife. She is a Thalassian elf who always followed her heart and went to many many many battles wether for the alliance or for Azeroth.

And she does have a good reason for hating the horde. They are the reason 18 of her family were killed. They are the reason she went to Outland in the first place.

If she returned as a high elf, she could have lead the Allerian stronghold elves and joined the alliance.

You were worried Alleria would be too similar to Vereesa, and yet she just became an alliance version of sylvanas. Leading a bunch of gothy elves who are also allied with the Lightforged, and she herself is married to a Lightforged. As if that makes any sense

She isn’t a void elf (:

You forget the third: genocide enthusiast Vereesa.
Don’t need to do dark magic to be an edgelord.

Bold to claim she is in any way interesting

Nothing stopping her or the writers from doing that now, and yet…? Where is it?

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“Jokes on you, that entirely happened in offscreen conversations anyway.”

And this is why, ultimately, all WoW writing is sub-par.
Because they can’t even tell their own damn story IN GAME properly!


Unfortunately she is. That’s cannon lore.

I don’t like it myself.

WoW really innovates on the “show, don’t tell” method of storytelling sometimes by opting to do neither


Fanon lore, more like. She’s a high elf with some funky void magic, but girl ain’t a void elf.

Unless you buy the books (and even then it’s a longshot)

I play a game in which I can be a rogue to apply bleeds, not to apply reads. >:(


Again, unfortunately she is a void elf. Described both in novels, wowpedia, and even herself in-game.

Had the blood elf players not been harsh towards high elf fans on the forums, she might have actually come back as a high elf.

So thank you blood elves. Blueberry elves are fun!

Maybe you’re the one that needs to read the lore.

Okay but the Allerian Stronghold elves are already part of the Alliance. What changes here?

Damn I sure hope Vereesa Windrunner doesn’t hold any similar motivations to Alleria Windrunner here re: their family being killed.

The point being that whether she was void-enated or not is irrelevant to Alleria’s expressed or written relationship to the Horde/Silvermoon. If there’s nothing there now, there wouldn’t be anything more about it even if she wasn’t void’d. They played their cards, they showed what they wanted to with it. It was nothing.

She would have filled an identical story role to Vereesa otherwise. Whether it was the Void or something else, something about her needed to be clearly and easily visibly different to Vereesa.

Void-mode at least gives some potential drama, albeit one that’s not taken advantage as much as it could be. The other option would’ve been Lightforging her too, I guess.

You’re welcome honestly.


I will recognize it the day she looks like one I’m afraid.
Until then she is simply a high elf.

Thanking forum blood elves so hard rn for not giving us more of blizzard’s ‘stellar’ high elf writing.

Bigly agree. Nothing about how boring she is now would be different if she didn’t eat a spooky naaru. They’ve decided not to do anything interesting as is always the case with their high elf writing and seemingly that’s how it always will be.