Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Would have been better, yes.

You simply cannot write a good high elf story without it resulting in increased playable high elf demand on the forum, and increased hate from blood elf players because they don’t want their race fantasy to be taken or overshadowed. It was the most controversial topic on the forums after all.

Best case scenario is to have her be lost, instead of having blueberry elves with natural skin colors.

But we just gotta accept it now. Too late.

i like alleria and vereesa (:

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Void elves would have been fine if they had leaned into Alleria and made them the high elves that went into Outland with her, who then had to acclimatise to the Void in order to survive. Making them blood elves who got kicked out of the Horde for using shadow magic is just baffling considering the Cult of Forgotten Shadow is headquartered next door and has been safely practising the art for decades

I would also like to see regular high elves, or at the very least an arcane-flavoured void elf skin - I’ve wanted to play a high elf paladin for a good 15 years and them being so dedicated to the Alliance that they abandon Silvermoon and the Sunwell is a core part of that desire which you obviously can’t get with a blood elf


I just got the TV Series Humans today, gonna watch it all again.

(This is how much I care about the void elf conversation)

Technically, they got exiled from Silvermoon, they weren’t kicked out of the Horde. They weren’t even kicked out of BElf lands, since they hung around in the Ghostlands for apparently years(??) without issue. Rommath didn’t even want to kick them out, he just didn’t want them doing their mad experiments near the Sunwell (which, it turns out, he was right to have concerns over).

If Umbric had taken his crew to Tirisfal, he’d have probably been welcomed with open arms.


Do you guys remember that bbc show, In The Flesh? Popped into my head at random, good watch

Umbric not being smart enough to realise that maybe the former Scourge might have some insight into the works of Dar’khan to stop them opening a void portal is a big ol’ cinema sins ding

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This just in; Rommath is always right yet nobody listens to him.

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Ackshually they were a dormant and dead cult after all until Legion which totally wasn’t a random retcon done solely so they could make some human model woman’s ghost their leader because god forbid a single forsaken figurehead uses the forsaken model goodness grrrrrracious

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They backfilled this by saying that actually he just hated the Horde all along so he didn’t want to share the secrets with the Forsaken (or anyone else, I guess).

He had options, he just chose to squat in the Ghostlands alone instead.

Sure was lucky the Champion and Alleria didn’t stop for an extended lunch break or something, otherwise we’d be down an allied race.

worst scientist ever

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A lot of the wretched are actually exiles, you’re not sent to kill them until they start, you know, preying on blood elves for mana trinkets and being a general nuisance in the Eversong Quests. :nerd_face:

As far as punishments go, exile for Silvermoon is seemingly a go-to (over making heads roll) and even then it seems to be a “you’re banned from civilisation but you can frolick in the woods or ruins a stone throw away from them”. They got more chances than some of the named mobs you off in Eversong.

Justice for falendren the banished :fist:

The fanbase has little influence on the story, factions and so on lets be real. There’s a mountain of evidence showing Blizzard just don’t care for criticism and just do their own thing with the narrative regardless.

Not that some of the forum or social media takes are any better (lmao).


Oh, so it’s 10pm and I have to go to bed for my stupid early alarm for my stupid adult job so I can pay stupid adult bills…

And NOW my body and brain are like “Right, we’re refreshed and awake now, what do?”

Fleasy traitors…


Fair point.

Apologies for the rant and arguments. My main argument was Alleria, but that usually goes back to High elf topic sadly, and to an extent void elves.

But that topic, in particular is old. So it’s pointless to argue about it now. Even if the lore could have been better tbh.

I will always love Warcraft 2 Alleria. She was great. The modern one…. Meh.

The only thing we will have of the old Alleria is her statue. Rest in peace :frowning_face:

vereesa did nothing wrong btw

You are the 17000’s comment. Congrats!

I finally beat socialanxiety (but suffering from the 'tism instead) and sent a message to the robe maker if he makes sizes just a little broader in the shoulders than largest listed.
These are hand made so here’s hoping so I don’t have to look elsewhere for a robe for my cosplay :crossed_fingers:

… Then I just need to haul my :peach: to the optician to get lenses so I can actually wear my plague doc mask and not be blind.



Can’t sleep. Random stress I guess.
At least I’m not typing away all nigh…

Sleep is for the day time.

Eating glass any % speedrun (which is apparently impossible before level 6 as of Alpha 21? Presumably so you can’t just take the easy way out while you’re still XP-protected.)

Speaking of which, don’t like Alpha 21, no sir. The removal of empty water jars and locking crafting behind skill books just adds two more sluggish grinds that ruin the gameplay loop for me. Thank the Celestials for mods.