Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: this guy thinks heā€™s going to reach castle age

i am trained in the arts of getting rushed by two on BF as my pocket freebooms and i still get to castle age

iā€™m immune to your feudal tricks

i cant hear you over the sound of all these fireships burning those docks

Itā€™s kind of a shame how civs like Vikings, Spanish, and Byzantines have good water or water-related bonuses but fall flat on water maps in my experience due to the lack of any bonuses that help them get control in feudal age

me when the serfs are rebelling
[I will be guillotineā€™d soon]

I just place a few towers to get a dock up? Donā€™t worry - the fights on BF over ponds have trained me for this too.

BF really is that girl if Iā€™m honest

Iā€™m not sure what you mean by not getting control in Feudal Age. Vikings do, Byzantines do, cheaper docks and faster firing Fire Ships give you easier control. Vikings especially have cheaper Galleys!!

Please tell her that I love her u_u


:nerd_face: thatā€™s an inefficient use of resources

I forgot Byzantines get that bonus now by default rather than as a castle age tech!! Honestly I generally find that galleys donā€™t do too well in feudal on water maps, unless theyā€™re massed up / have a significant numbers advantage but if you let it get to that point you tend to have already half-lost anyways

Itā€™s not inefficient when it gets my docks up!

They always had it! The Castle UT was giving them +1 range (which made them worse funnily enough).

Galleys do fine once you get a mass of them, then fire ships will fall over before they get to your units. And, well - as I said before, people donā€™t really know the build orders since I rarely play ranked anyway, so Iā€™m not usually the one last to Feudal. You can be up around the same time as Italians anyway, if you have deer nearby!

I suppose this ties into the banning all open/closed maps thing; people generally assume that the other personā€™ll have water maps banned with the funniest consequences

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I have no words.

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Yaā€™ll play AoE2 multiplayer as Versus?

Youā€™re scary, and too high power level for me :<

I had already seen that once, so thanks for dealing a second helping of drain bamage by having to see it again :angry:

Its like; holy hell, did your parents not have a manual?!

Both my parents used manuals up until they both passed and in the long and short of it; Iā€™m not that much older than this dimwit.


I mostly play Black Forest lobbies, so not really the top of the players!

Sometimes the lobbies get a bit scary with 1600+ 1v1 players, but right now Iā€™m content with mostly 1400-ish TG players.

I prefer teamgames, but I hate queuing solo into them, so if I donā€™t have friends I donā€™t want to queue, and if itā€™s a mostly open maps in the pool I also donā€™t want to queue.

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You can also just ignore them. If itā€™s random street encounters - simply run past them. Theyā€™ll chase you for a little while and then stop.

I saw one vide of PVP footage, including early palisade wall rushes on enemy bases and villager fights, and Iā€™m just not about that stress :sweat_smile: Iā€™ve gotten smooth enough at economy building that I donā€™t usually have anything military until Castle Age, so being thrown into PVP where people can use militia or scout rushes and itā€™s like ā€œNah, we outā€ haha

my biggest and most powerful gripe with yakuza isnā€™t even to do with the game

because iā€™m playing it on steam deck iā€™m absolutely trash at the QTE stuff, because the buttons are in a different place from where i would usually except. so if it says press Y, Iā€™m reaching for where Y would be on the Switch.

i should be a god at karaoke but instead iā€™m hot trash

The beauty of a PVP / ladder is that youā€™ll eventually be matched with other players of your own skill level. Generally, average players already make army in Feudal age (Militias notwhitstanding), but the lower the rating goes, the slower people get or just donā€™t really control their army well.

It can be fun to play with other players, but if thatā€™s not what you enjoy then playing solo is good enough too! The AI in AoE2 is good enough at this point where the Extreme AI can reasonably well emulate a strong player. If you want to improve and canā€™t beat Extreme AI yet, then even just playing vs the AI is good enough!

Once you do beat Extreme AI, is where you can absolutely jump into PvP - youā€™ll be good enough to not go on a losing streak to find players of your skill level, so to speak.


thatā€™s right :sunglasses:

I for one prefer 1v1 games; I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m particularly top-tier, but around average for online play (~ 1050 ELO)

I started playing online games after reliably beating the moderate AI.

For singleplayer or co op with a friend I prefer the campaigns, myself

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letā€™s do a 1v1!!

since im theoretically around the same level in 1v1 (i just never play 1v1s so my elo never changed)