Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I mean, my pov is that it’s perfectly fine to have zero interest in tavern RP. It’s not for everyone, it’s not even really for me. I just get a bit ??? when someone’s first instinct in a hobby space is to decry others rather than focusing on the things they enjoy.

Those people are going to still keep on doing their tavern RP, however much an elitist might tell them it’s not real roleplay (as if there were such a thing as fake roleplay), and they’re going to be the ones having fun because they’re not focusing their energy on things they dislike (presumably).

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I consider it a springboard rather than a cornerstone, letting a character into the wider community, making connections and branching out. There’s good reason plenty of adventures start at an inn.

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The tavern is an absolute fantasy staple, yeah.

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It’s a kind of entitlement that demands other people organise things for your benefit - because if ‘muh second life rpers’ were organising things themselves they would…just be doing that.

Oh? It’s hard to organise RP for multiple people, doubly so when strangers are involved? sure is! maybe you should look to build community rather than pooping on people!!


At some point, guildbased vs guildless random rp became a feud, too.


Pointlessly sneering at others for doing things differently does not a healthy community make.

Everything can be a feud if you’re ready to throw hands over it.

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It’s not. As someone who has used “the platform” as you put it many times over only to be shot down because I was trying to do something outside of a very defined area of roleplay, it is insanity to repeatedly try in an environment where your standard high fantasy adventuring tropes are just not wanted.

To put it into context it would be like saying you can’t do RP Campaigns in various zones around WoW because “it’s too difficult for people” or “this is breaking lore” and you can only rp inside the capital cities.
Its baffling. FFXIV has a rich and detailed world with excellent material for worldbuilding (everything practically has some sort of in-world explanation) but people just want to play Second Life/The Sims. On the EU data center that is.

I know for a fact the US servers (Balmung and Mateus specifically) are far more open to this kind of thing to the point there are more Euro players on those servers than there are on Chaos.

Yes, which is what you should be telling the tavern roleplayers. Oh, I did and they threw a hissy over it.

The AD way, damnit! :saluting_face:

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I just discovered that I can say and emote on a trial character with my sub expired, and others see it.

Since I have very little interest in the gameplay side of WoW, I might just keep RPing without resubbing.

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Feuding over completely pointless things (a difference of opinion) is the cornerstone of all MMO RP communities, in my experience.

I don’t care much for Tavern RP because it doesn’t play to my RP strengths. I’ve spent the last week or two levelling on Omega and I’ve seen a few people RPing in the Ul’dah adventurer’s guild, as well as in random inns/taverns/whatever out in Thanalan and the Shroud. I’ve also just seen people out in the middle of nowhere, doing … whatever they were doing.

Honestly, it just makes my happy to see people wherever, roleplaying and having a good time, even though I haven’t participated in any kind of roleplay for a good few years now.

i wonder why, lol.


Because RPing outside of a tavern requires idk, more effort?

It’s almost like telling people what they should be doing in their hobby of choice is just strange behaviour and isn’t going to have them be on their knees thanking you.


Never at any point did I tell them what they should be doing or not doing.
Where has this come from?
I posted advertisements for adventuring style events on the Chaos RP server and I was shot down for putting them there for the aforementioned reasons of

I am not the only person this has happened to either. They are allergic to anything outside of their own promoted tavern roulette nights.
Its textbook gatekeeping.

People don’t need a Moses to lead them to the Promised Land of Good Roleplay when they’re already having fun, innit. I don’t begrudge people having fun in a different way to me and I certainly wouldn’t blame a conspiracy for the perceived common consensus being different to mine.

I mean I know I am a very good roleplayer but this is excessive fawning.

walked into a bar and yelled at them to stop drinking and discuss the merits of Maslin’s theory of mind instead and they just sneered at me and pushed me into a locker???



Those people are also wrong. I’ll just keep doing my thing and dodge squirts of toxicity as they come.


Don’t need an excuse to push you into a locker

Then I can only apologise for jumping to a rather abrupt conclusion and misinterpreting what you said.

It doesn’t change the fact that - imo - you just come across in here as holier-than-thou because “the boring masses won’t rise to my higher/better standard of roleplay! they want to do CRINGE tavern roleplay but they should be doing cool BASED adventurer RP like me!”

Quick addition: I can however sympathise with the notion of trying to organise something in the RP server and getting shot down. I just think people in general should just try to be more open. Live and let live, y’know?


I don’t know why people are seemingly thinking I am violating other persons online spaces.

This is a Discord server for RP I am talking to. It’s not specifically for second life tavern rp or listed as such. General RP upon the Chaos DC.

But if you post adverts for things contrary to that, you’ll have them taken down. You want to run a monster hunt event? Nah what about people who are too weak?
You want to retrieve dangerous arcane artefacts from a lost temple? Uh oh you can’t have that kind of responsibility on your character.
You’re promoting an open world social event at one of the ports? BUT WHAT ABOUT MY TAVERN BEING HOSTED THAT NIGHT?