Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

i want to be a vtuber, but my 3d avatar is carl from aqua teen hunger force


cheers. i’m about to pop off on twitch thanks to this

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Ah. It seems my Display Pic has entered the Shadow Realm.

Well then.

Omega seems quiet as a crypt compared to Balmung, no cap. That’s today’s observation.

i was slouched at a weird angle and sat up because i thought this was wooper

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

Could my health stop being terrible/being very potentially scary for a while? At all? Please?

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Chaos DC RP has been monopolised by a cabal of players who think tavern roleplay is the ultimate pinnacle of narrative and character development.
Good luck finding anything beyond Second Life RPers there.

Loras confirmed coomer

Can say the same for Light, all we have is nightclubs and bath houses and we all know they come with an 18+ tag

And even the tavern tavern “role-play” (imagine me fingering the quotations out IRL because I don’t believe that playing yourself embodied in a virtual character is role-playing) is just an attempt to ground their ERP in the community.

Of course, if you do not partake in their cult behaviour you are immediately shunned and God forbid you attempt to foster some actual RP in the community.

Ngl anyone whose first instinct is to go “nyeh tavern roleplayers!!” probably needs to touch grass. If that’s what people enjoy, then that’s what people enjoy and there’s precisely nothing wrong with that.

Gatekeeping what is/is not good roleplay is very 2015. People can do whatever they like, provided they don’t force it on others (and nobody can be forced to go into a tavern to do “second life RP”).


I really don’t miss the old days of gatekeeping.

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Tavern roleplayers are the ones gatekeeping people wanting to play you know
Adventurers in a high fantasy universe.

Proper roleplay is what I personally find compelling and nothing else!!


My only problem with FF tavern RP is there’s always someone trying to get some ERP out of it. Doubly so if you make your stance clear on it being a hard NO to that, it won’t deter them.

I think tavern RP can be fun, but I think going out in the world instead of someones basement is more fun personally.

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They can be coerced. Come on, you know what it’s like when a certain group does their best to foster a specific kind of behaviour and dismiss any other. It’s genuinely a cult-like system, it’s like the PCU if they were the only community on the server. Speaking from experience here.

tHanK yOu

Surely people are allowed to prefer what they prefer.


Yeah – unfortunately, people whose sole objective in RP is ERP will always be around. It’s just a matter of learning to notice the signs and curating your experience as best you can.

But that doesn’t invalidate that tavern RP is a tried and tested way to encounter other players, engage with new crowds, and get an easy source of interaction for your designer blorbo.

Well, that’s my whole point. Banging on about second life roleplayers (silly term anyway) when all they’re doing is what they prefer is just a pointless and petty exercise. They’re not doing anything wrong.


I wouldn’t even go as far as that.

Roleplayers are on average very lazy and want to be fed RP, so they go to where the greatest concentration of people are which happen to be the taverns - because that is the only thing you are allowed to promote by the cabal.
What happens? A bunch of people who don’t really fit together in a Second Life tavern.

I’d forgive them if there was no way to actually RP in the game but there’s literally addons that make RP in FF14 easier and more accessible than anything in WoW. Square Enix added ‘Exploration Mode’ to all their instanced content for small party focused adventures.

Nah i’ll sit in my Doman noodle shop in the Ishgard housing ward watching the same three cat girls do /rollplay fight club ‘duels’.

The old town brawls now resemble old kaiju movies. Big means I win.

I don’t know much but the discourse reminds me of the obnoxious “orcs are black people” tripe from a couple of years ago. I’m listening but it seems like another excuse to get mad by people unfamiliar with a given thing aside from the controversy the internet decided on.

It’s stupid, basically denying yourself a platform and mocking others for using it. Cutting off your foot because of these hoity-toity people and their low effort “walking”.