Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

woe is me, woe

Your optimism is commendable…but misplaced.

I’m already roleplaying a Garlean Conscript on FFXIV so I fear not.

Just want them back from random plain X

In the end they’re the good guys and usher in a secular age of enlightenment and industrial revolution. Elder scrolls VII is a steampunk setting.

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-Checks forums after a few hours playing AoE2-
-133 New Posts on Thread-

… So. Uh, mission 2 of the Saladin campaign is a real slog, even co-op!

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the peeves thread moves at a pace unknown to men or gods


Ancient Denizens of the Deep look upon this thread.
And go “Nah, fam, we good. You just, uh, keep doing you, yeah? And stay the heck contained in here. Uh. Please?”

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Anyone here tried WARNO? :thinking:

I can’t tell if you’re outright lying or blowing things out of proportion.

I’ve been in the server for around three months and have seen monster hunter posts, rumours that promote open world RP and I have even set up an open world RP community recently and gotten a lot of interest.

Is tavern RP plentiful? Yes, but to say that it is hardline doctrine is false.

(Yes I’m late to the topic I just got home)

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who the hell is steve jobs

Oh hey, my image is back!

Edit: Oh. It was on mobile. That’s weird.

The better wiki, in case anyone hasn’t seen that yet.

But what if the cell offers really nice food? What then, hm?

In English it probably is? Idk, very German brain atm you’ll have to excuse funky stuff.
It’s just a nice thing to have around. And it’s not like the people who do that always have to do that. Also a cool thing to have for tavern nights: People who’re willing to do some general story telling for others IC. As in, have a char tell some fun adventure story that happened (or not) to them.


We voted Brexit for a reason

The UK will literally try to physically move away from the rest of the continent to avoid learning another language. That’s true, yeah.


I judge literally every place and event by the quality of its food, to the detriment of almost everything else

It’s why I love america so much

Nevermind me stockpiling surströmming for the inevitable confrontation…

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So we need to hire catering for the locker. Got it.

I wanted to order Italian food some time soon anyway.

Therein lies the problem then.
Try four years.