I’d submit that it can be made to work… but the colours are indeed very, very vibrant.
Considering the broad selection of similar aesthetics available for Blood Elves to mix and match with, this variant being the first available does strike me as strange. Even Void Elves have a heritage set that would fit the purple version decent-ish.
Also unsure what the orbs are even supposed to be on this. Raw arcane magic is generally violet, and the traditional verdant spheres are fel-green.
In a world with armour dyes, we would all be gods.
Mhm. It’s like the art department alternates between muted and garish hues, the result being that few pieces really blend seamlessly. Imagination goes a long way, granted, but still…
Most of the weapons and armor tints we’ve been getting are their alternate versions. Nearly all the transmogs’ icons from the Trading Post have different color schemes to their actual game model. A blue and gold version for high elves was likely the path of least resistance for an alternate color, so, they just did that.
The latest Battle.net launcher update doesn’t work in Wine, so Linux users currently have to roll back to the previous version by deleting the update directory every time they start the launcher. Thanks a lot, Blizzard!
As much as I like RP-PVP, I think I am starting to truly get burned out on it due to the brainrot it’s caused in everyone since BFA to the point it’s become nearly impossible to do anything that isn’t war at a massive scale.
I am all for skirmishes and battles for resources, as that is something that’s still happening, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to roleplay this now that there’s been more and more Horde roleplayers reigniting an interest in RP-PVP when the Alliance just decides to basically do a Discord @everyone to the Alliance High Command every time there’s a single skirmish anywhere while talking about how ‘this means that the faction has CLEARLY declared war on us and every military force available across multiple continents must respond to this vile, bloodthirsty aggression’ leading to 5 vs 50 RP-PVP ‘fights’ where the conflict is OOC commented as majorly consequential and inconsequential at the same time depending if we’re talking about consequences or material for issuing an incredibly powerful military rank on one of said characters.
Even worse, even in organised RP-PVP, I’ve seen Alliance cancel any and all plans last minute because the Horde party had told them to be an even number so everyone could enjoy the roleplay going on.
Are people’s dopamine receptors so utterly burned out and mutated by BFA that if their faction has even the slightest possibility of plausible defeat (even if minimal), they’re not interested in the slightest anymore?
Does every RP-PVP skirmish have to end with one of the factions bringing over such overwhelming, disproportionate numbers that the others have to retreat because of sensory overload of having to try and react to six people emoting multi-para at them at the same time in rapid succession?