Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

The Evoker weapons and armour from the TP STUUUUUUUUUUNK for real

Like damn
The staff? Grind Iridikron if you really want it lmao



Leo sleeping peacefully

Me - “time to go disturb this animal”


Parents lying to their kids about Santa is a major peeve of mine and has been ever since I myself learned the truth in my childhood (and felt betrayed*).

And no, it’s not “oh, they understand it’s all make-believe”. It’s projecting your adult knowledge onto them. I know kids who completely intuitively understood the concept of make-believe, gleefully engaging in roleplaying while understanding it wasn’t real (“Mom, look, I’m a witch!”), understood the concept of fictional characters (kids are smarter than some adults think), and yet were absolutely heartbroken at the revelation that Santa wasn’t real.

It’s natural to want your kids to experience wonder, but lying isn’t the answer. Kids are smart. They can handle the truth. Just explain the myth behind Santa and explain why we play dress up. I realize I’m probably preaching to the choir here, because as a roleplayer, I don’t find the fantasy scenes we act out less wondrous just because they’re not literally real.

* Specifically, I felt betrayed because I was ever curious about the world and wanted to learn more about it, and I trusted my parents to teach me the truth. Once the trust was broken, I was left wondering what else they lied me about. And naturally, much later, in adulthood, I found that they had told me some other comforting lies because they thought I couldn’t handle the truth — like that our dog ran away into the forest and never came back, as opposed to them euthanizing him.


I’ve missed doing Hildibrand quests.

Let’s go home and chill…

More than they deserve if you ask me!
:rage: :rage: :rage:

Blizz logic: ok the expansion is about dragons primalists which are basically shaman, what is our patch one tierset going to look like? Shaman for all classes!!!

Also blizz logic: instead of dedicating budget monies to expanding or reworking our current classes, let’s make a new class. What does it do? Oh it’s basically the best caster class, kind of lake mage but if it was a demon hunter and super easy tk olay and it has a spec that you have to take into a raid.

I was six years old when I discovered that Father Christmas wasn’t real. It was a warm Christmas Eve, and I couldn’t sleep. From the floor below I heard the rustling of paper and the shuffle of movement, and of course couldn’t resist a chance to see a jolly fat man with a beard doing a home invasion.

Alas, what my youthful eyes instead saw was my parents wrapping up my gift for the next day - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries, and the magic was broken.

I will say I didn’t feel betrayed though - the spell’s end was softened immensely by how cool Mechwarrior was.

just look at these photo-realistic graphics, the peak of 1996 home computing power

I didn’t really get the feeling of betrayal when I found out Santa wasn’t real. Feels like making a chicken out of a feather.

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Idk I very much enjoyed the mysticism around santa claus when I was a child. I think I thought he was real until I was some 7 or 8 years old, but I didn’t really think about it. I would still get presents.

One of my favorite and earliest memories is waiting for the santa claus on christmas evening and of course I was expecting him to arrive in a sled pulled by reindeer- Instead, he arrived in a Volvo, and I asked my mum where are the reindeer.

My mum answered that “He had to upgrade!”. I don’t know why but it was such a wholesome and genuine answer that my child brain did not question all the plotholes in that explanation, I just went along with it and believed.

I think I was either 4 or 5 years old then.

The ‘lie’ of Santa’s existence is about the most innocuous and harmless lies a parent could possibly tell, for sure. I didn’t feel lied to afterwards either.

Dragonflight crafting is baffling sometimes.

High-level recipes have a single reagent that’s relatively difficult to obtain. So far so good. But the reagents vary wildly in difficulty of obtaining.

For a trinket, the reagent is BoP, but easy to obtain. “Buy these two cheapish engineer-made items, then use one on that elemental and kill it”. Straightforward.

For mail bracers, you need a character with skinning leveled in a specific way, and the instructions for obtaining the item feel like a walkthrough for one of those old-school adventure games with moon logic puzzles. Or you can buy it on the AH for about 20k.



The whole system is pretty much made to create a social community feeling around crafting. Even one of the introductory quests with the Crafter’s Consortium has you talk to an NPC and convince him that actually, becoming friendly with the Consortium guy is his best option because it’ll make it cheaper and they’ll become pals.

I don’t think they quite hit the mark in that regard, but I think it works in guilds and stable communities.


Or how about reagents that drop from the raid bosses, rare as heck to obtain and cost a FORTUNE on the AH…

Shadowed alloy how I hate what you require to be made.

This started as a pet peeve, but it’s moved into an interesting concept.

Season of Discovery frames as if the mages of the Forsaken are in the Royal Apothecary Society, and even though that’s not truthful in canon, I’m just imagining a forsaken mage a part of the RAS heavily inspired by Balthasar Gelt.

Release the mage class skin that is just them tossing potions instead of frostbolts.

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warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer

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Hbomberguy released a new four hour video.

It’s pretty good.


I watched the first half of it early and I still got blindsided, it’s so good


You should watch the hogfather from terry pratchet.


Saline solution is drying out the fistula around my nose piercing and I can’t put either coconut or jojoba oil on it for another seven weeks.