Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Also-- discord has already seen this, may as well post it here;

Okay, true, but F you.

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Without knowing anything more about this person, I will safely say that they live in a prison of their own toxicity, that any joy they claim from being the way they are is fleeting and unfulfilling.

In other words, they want what you have and are mad jelly about it.


I agree, a very sad individual.

Also this is the 2nd time somebody has said something like that to me, first time by a “friend” (we’re not friends anymore).

What kind of thing is that to say to a person?


I don’t get the context.

Oh, its about a very VERY old cat who is loved dearly and I will miss him when he’s gone.

But I don’t need to be reminded thanks internet stranger.


always sad to see when someone is just pointlessly cruel to a stranger - just imagining how deeply wrong things must have gone for that to feel like it’s worth your time

Old Man will outlive all of us, moofing all the while


He’s going to outlive us all purely out of spite.


And we all love him for it


Honour Mode run is now taking me into the Underdark (I hit level 5 on the surface), I am not prepared for Grym

I am freezing my butt off.

Got on 2 pairs of socks, gloves, jumper and am still freezing

Tis very cold u_u

It fortunately rained here last night that got us out of the subzero temps, but it’s still pretty damn cruddy.

Me seeing all the snow and remembering this is my season.


Popped out for a snack and it’s Silent Hill outside - light snowfall, zero visibility due to fog, and weirdly sexy nurses wandering around screaming in an otherworldly manner.


Am I losing my mind, or did we use to be able to craft a whole set of ‘Expac start greens’ before?
Having three items be level 60/61, and then the rest locked until 70 with no way I can work out to un-Soulbind and un-level lock them. And they’re not even GOOD for 70, because you can literally do WQs and Emerald Dream start and there’s stuff that’s like 70 iLvls higher??

Actual insanity.

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And then go and find Wyrd Sisters and Soul Music, which personally I hold as much better adaptions of the books (Hogfather was ok, but Going Postal earned some red crosses in my book) AND the OST for Soul Music genuinely slaps.

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I am taking this to the lawyer’s guild.

Live action adaptions are the weak choice compared to a good animated adaption, this is FACT and I’ll see you in the Morpork Courts. Nerd < 3


I wanted to go see Godzilla Minus One but the local not-quite-indie-but-kinda cinema with the really comfy chairs and smaller screens isn’t showing it, so I’ll probably have to settle for one of the larger cinemas instead.