Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Incredibly important, if preditable information, thanks.

Also Rogue Trader seems a lot less friendly to hotswapping between keyboard and controller which Iā€™m not a fan of. Knocking it down to 7/10.

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necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock necromancer warlock

one day, I will be vindicated we have so many cool necromancy spell effects that were only used for Shadowlands NPCs and I want them

Also please allow me to turn my demons into something more loa inspired on my zandalari warlock and also my velpera one too? (OG troll warlock is happy with his fel infused demons)

Iā€™d settle for necro warlock since I doubt weā€™ll ever get a ranged summoner DK spec.

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Iā€™ve now completed the prologue for rogue trader.

Gameā€™s fun, as expected. I went with a Voidborn Noble Officer who really shouldnā€™t be running around in melee but just canā€™t seem to help herself.


If Melee not good, why Cutlass?


Also happy Winter Veil, I wrote up the Save Metzen the Reindeer quest as an extremely short 5e ā€˜adventureā€™ for the WC5e Theme of the Month thing.

Come for the Abominable Greench, stay for the Jingle Blade.

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peeve: in Rime of the Frostmaiden weā€™re about to raid some duergar and the other players are trying to insist on calling them ā€˜dur-re-garā€™

(my cleric got out of an avalanche burying them in snow by Thunder Waving the snow away, 10/10 love tempest domain)

If I speak my mind I get sent away so.

Also love to see people who have a afk/DC for over half a +15 to then wipe us a few times and leave on Sol in EB. Ty for time waste idiots

happy with the results of the game awards except for the ben starr snub. but to be fair, neil was equally deserving

sea of stars hype

AC6 got best action game too :pray:


So I finished Cyberpunk 2077 using the new Phantom Liberty ending


It felt like a fairly appropriate ending for my corpo V. He ruthlessly traded in Song for a chance at a cure after she crossed him, and had no real skin in the game to try a much riskier move by going along with storming Arasaka tower.

Like the rest of them, it was a very bittersweet ending but I think it finished on a note of hope. Sure his friends have moved on, but if weā€™re being honest here he only knew them a couple of weeks anyway so thatā€™s to be expected. Vik getting eaten up by the corpo machine is rough but it says something to the inevitability of those systems given enough time.

Misty really sold it for me at the end though, up until that point it was just super depressing. Not only is she a certified stunner now (not that she wasnā€™t before) but that pep talk really helped me come to terms (and V) with this new future and him disappearing into the crowd as just another face was really kinda nice.

I could definitely see this V becoming a fixer going forward, or maybe taking up Reed on his offer.

Itā€™s not the best of the endings, but I think it was the best ending for the V that I was playing.

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Sometimes when Iā€™m writing and a character gets a geographical/historical fact justā€¦wrong, I do occasionally worry that anyone reading it would think Iā€™m the person who doesnā€™t know the facts instead of it being a deliberate character flaw.

My only beef with this ending is


That thereā€™s no opportunity to tell people about what youā€™re doing ahead of time. Youā€™re super vague about it to people you tell, for likeā€¦no reason, and you canā€™t get NUSA to update your friends either.

The Judy romance with it felt extremely ā€˜believableā€™ in that you had effectively ghosted her and vanished off the face of the earth, then call her up two years later and sheā€™s likeā€¦really happy youā€™re alive, but she moved on, and sheā€™s married, and asks you not to visit because itā€™d make her new life way harder (with the strong implication sheā€™s not over you) which felt like good writing from a character perspective. I wasnā€™t ā€˜unhappyā€™ with that.

But is there any reason I couldnā€™t have told her ā€œIā€™m gonna get this medical stuff, it should be a few weeksā€ and then made NUSA keep her in the loop when it was longer? Not really. It just felt like it was a bit of forced negativity instead of narratively earning it.

I understand the Panam one is ā€˜worseā€™ - she wonā€™t talk to you, and thereā€™s a fan theory that sheā€™s dead (possibly due to doing something stupid to try to find you) and Mitch just doesnā€™t want to tell you that. Lotta people seemed unhappy with it.

I did like the Vik and Misty stuff though, that was solid.


A way to fix this would be to have Reed stress that no one can know what is happening as a term of the surgery, because the actual details around it are pretty sketchy and might get the NUSA in hot water.

But yeah there is some serious forced negativity. They basically spend most of the ending trying to make you feel like crap until the Misty conversation.

I read the Panam situation as it is; sheā€™s a hot head that burns bright and fast and Mitch is just trying to protect her from getting worked up over it all over again unnecessarily.

Judy looking even more beautiful after the 2 year gap, and Iā€™m glad she found happiness after how dark her personal story was.

Kerry was the most predictable of the lot. River I didnā€™t care about anyway and him turning criminal is fairly hilarious given how self-righteous he was when you first met him.

In other news, I have no idea what Nomura is cooking with 7 Rebirth but that new trailer left me with even more questions and concerns. But at least my main man Cid was finally shown which is a huge result.

Hard to believe itā€™s dropping in like two months.

16 DLC looks fun I think, Iā€™ll have to teach myself how to play it again.

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The Battle for Azeroth syndrome.

I will forever be on the camp that Blizzard tried to do this and the playerbase couldnā€™t really understand that, and then Blizzard fumbled the bag on having the real truth be told somewhere anywayā€¦ though I guess with yā€™know, war, youā€™re not usually getting the real truth out anyway. So the writers ended up doing an accurate portrayal of war propaganda, despite that being a headache for RPers lol+lmao.

Thatā€™s because, as I said before in the PTR thread, even charitably assuming that this was Blizzardā€™s intent, they were spectacularly bad at telegraphing it. Unreliable narration, like the Day That Deathwing Came quests, are usually preceded to us talking to an NPC and experiencing the events from their perspective. And if weā€™re pulled into a vision, we get an animation and an altered field of view effect. None of this was done here.



On one hand, new monster hunter game announced.

On the other, I live in fear of them keeping the mechanic from Rise where you can just control an entire monster and turn the game into the kaiju equivalent of rock 'em sock 'em robots