Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

I unfortunately have recieved the new discord update on mobile… It is so bad my guys.
Turn auto updates off if you haven’t

Crisis: I am out of Werther’s Originals

Whoever designed Rend Blackhand (the boss level) in Rumble.


(Nothing is working. I am literally scouring Youtube videos by people who seem to have to just scraped by, this level is disgusting)

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The baller buttermilk candy.

I see your retirement home candy and raise you one Kongen af Danmark

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I tried to register on Wikidot so I could contribute to the SCP Foundation wiki.

It asked me to wait for a confirmation email, which didn’t arrive. There’s no link to resend it. Login doesn’t work. Attempting to register now says the name is already taken. Password recovery says it doesn’t know the email. I tried emailing their support, but haven’t got a reply so far.

How a massively popular wiki platform can bungle the basics of security UI so badly is beyond me.


Aaaaahhhhhhh he’s finally dead!

Drown in the eternal tide of Murlocs, you Frgrarllrgrglrlerglelrrr!!

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This headache is getting worse. Ceremorphosis here I go…

Started reading Wheel of Time and the prose reads very choppy and amateurish so far with a lot of redundant elaborations

Me every time somebody attacks my pandaren priest.

“aw honey, you thought I was a harmless merchant?”

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-Downs the entire rest of the Beer-

“Ahh. So you have chosen… violence.”

Edit: This reminds me of a peeve, though; the continued failure of the devs to implement hair with hats.

I do not want my Brewmaster gal to lose her cool ponytail withe the iconic bamboo hat, Blizz, sort it out.


Everybody be talking big game until I swap back to shadow and look like THIS.


It’s just like me fr (fr means ‘for real’ (‘for real’ is used to emphasise that the statement is truthful)).

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Hehe, sha-dow

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My only regret is that I cannot change all her abilities to be sha-themed, because I would go there.


Racial/faction themed power customisation in the Barber when? ._.
City of Heroes had this YEARS ago, come on…

Heads up to Rogue Traders: The game contains the same keyboard bug that WotR does. If you get stuck with a sticking keyboard while alt-tabbed, head into

steam->steamapps->common->Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader->WH40KRT_Data->Plugins->x84_64 and delete/rename/remove “Rewired_DirectInput.dll” to something/somewhere else.

Should fix it.

If you’ve got it installed to another directory, obvs follow to that instead.


Elly why does your guild have a rank called dad

What other rank would Dads hold?


or even just glyphs?

Remember them guys?

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