Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

Just got my first game over in Rogue Trader in the Starport. Not sure if classic Owlcat difficulty shenanigans or if I’m bad. Wasn’t really having issues before now and then bam, bum got handed to me.

Okay I was bad. I went in a second time and wiped the floor with them, with no one going down.

Cassia’s Lidless Stare=OP OP.

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Someone in raid chat called Volcoross’s tail attack the D-word, and now I can’t stop giggling like mad whenever DBM plays the alert sound for it.

I’m very mature.

could be worse, could be badly mishearing Fyrakk’s ‘a wasted effort, maggots’

Mishearing how?



It’s okay, he’s reclaiming it.


Is he wrong? /s

Anyway week 2 of losing rolls to people with better gear I just want wrists man :weary:
I guess all my luck ran out winning tier shoulders and Bandolier in LFR

The three equally funny responses were:

  1. fyrakk is using it literally as ‘a bundle of firewood’ and doesn’t know it became a slur 20,000 years later
  2. it’s okay he’s flaming
  3. he had a heated gamer moment

He’s all 3 at the same time all the time

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finally, some homophobic gay man representation


Considering he flies off like in the “most oppressed group of all, GAMERS!” video, I think its this.


I’m very glad Rogue Trader’s first presentation of Navigators manages to precisely encapsulate everything about them I love

Being weird hotties who have overpowered AoE damage?

mostly this

i wouldn’t say no to a spooky three eye woman with weird fingers though, true

(also the political intrigue + weird rituals and funny luxury life in the sanctum, where applicable)

I do like Dragonflight, even though I have my gripes with certain things! As I said earlier - and what Meronspell disagreed with pretty hard - was that Dragonflight has been a return to the more grounded storytelling that you found in earlier Warcraft times, such as Vanilla. And playing SoD, I’m pretty much reaffirmed in my statement.

If anything, you have more of the story told in Dragonflight (because you have a main story quest and you only have 10 levels), because unlike in SoD or Classic, you also do the main story quest with more stakes and more important NPCs both allied and enemy in addition to helping the locals with local problems, both reactive and not to current expansion problems.

I simply started playing SoD after I posted to do Blackfathom Deeps (beat Aku’mai woo!) and maybe it’s the 'tism or whatnot, but I didn’t register as anything getting heated or whatnot. Maybe my sentences started getting clipped as I realised ‘oh crap I need to hurry up’ so tone-clarifying words were probably omitted, sorry.

Bottom line - I feel like Dragonflight has been far more of a return to ‘Warcraft’ feel that the GD bottomfeeders have been crying for, than like past 4 expansions have been, despite the Disney-fied story resolutions at times. Personally, I found myself caring a whole lot more about the local NPCs than anyone in Shadowlands, BfA zones, and even Legion. I found myself reading the quest texts far more often because I was interested in finding out more about the NPCs, especially when I would clock ‘oh look, representation, yay!’

Many of the NPCs had a similar peppy tone which could get grating over time, but…WoW has had a problem of pretty much everyone having the same tone all the time anyway, whether peppy or melodramatically serious, and only occasionally would it be juxtaposted with the opposites (f.e. the Ardenweald butterfly people and everything else being SUPER BLEAK, dryads in Legion etc).

The only NPC ironically that I didn’t really care about was the old dwarf in Ruby Shrine place who everyone else liked, because he was just waffling on about his wife or something and I couldn’t skip the text.


Generally, I agree with your post and your assessment of Dragonflight, Nerathion. I have more things to say, but it’s late and I need time to write them up, so I’ll go to sleep now and post a more extended reply later.

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I have finally beaten all the Normal mode levels in WC Rumble.

Now to deal with Heroic ._.
(Except for Elwyn, already stomped on them~)

I only got mildly annoyed at him because he was all ‘oh you only knew Deathwing, you never saw the black dragonflight as they were’

To me, a dracthyr, who has been asleep for 20,000 years and knew him as Father

Dragonflights’ gameplay is the best since WoD.

Dragonflights’ story is garbage. Not SL level garbage, but garbage all the same.

None of the cinematics left me hyped. All of them had me rubbing my forehead in annoyance/disappointment.

There are individual good stories here and there like the Tuskar and gnoll questlines.

Hell even the supposedly really emotionally invested moments, like that drakonid that sacrifices herself saving that egg with you in Waking Shores, dies in this rly funny way where at least I only thought “rip bozo”.

Also Ysera’s back for no reason. Everyone’s also sad and talking about their feelings.

MoP will always be the Bar, and has yet to be beaten. -drops mic-

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